Now here’s another unexpected surprise from a friend who isn’t necessarily known for his own comics, but his expertise in the field itself. If you’re a webcomic creator on twitter, you probably know of this guy. If you don’t, you should be following him. This guy not only helped edit the first Z&F collection, but also taught me about 2 common mistakes in slang: 1. it’s a “comic balloon”, not “comic bubble”, and the term of endearment is “HON”, not “HUN”.
I also had the pleasure of meeting John in person when I attended New York Comic Con this past October. He’s truly an awesome, passionate comic fan, as well as a kind-hearted person. Thanks for this funny take on Fred wearing a wedding dress! I especially love that drawing of the church in the background!
Dawn and Rick, whom the human characters in Z&F are loosely based around, are (finally) getting married after 7 years together, on November 6th, 2010. These terrific guest strips and artwork were submitted as a wedding gift by fellow webcomic creators and readers, using Dawn’s Wedding Guest Art Registry. Dawn.. erm, OKAY, I am very grateful for all the time and effort put into these awesome pieces and plan to include them in a special section of our wedding album. Thank you all SO much … for such a unique wedding experience.. and for feeding my website so I can take a much needed break!
Regular Z&F strips will return on Christmas Day! My holiday gift to you, readers ;0)
Nice one, John! Love the loose but clear drawing style
me too! I need to “borrow” the idea of not drawing EVERYTHING in the background, just a tree here, or a shrub there. It’s so much cleaner!
Awesome Job John. I’m with Skar, your drawing style is great, we need to see more from you sir.
The drawing of the Church and the details in Fred’s wedding dress are awesome, great detail work sir. Very fun story for this as well. Maybe Fred can star his own Bride Understudy service.
shoot, when my nerves were flaring up on the Big Day, I was joking around about finding a stunt double to do the whole first dance ordeal. whew!
Love your style, John! Hope to see more of it in the future.
me too me too!
HOW did I miss this one?!
John I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything you’ve drawn. I LOVE your style!!