I’ve always loved the visual of tumbleweeds to describe a desolate moment in conversation… or maybe a friend’s lack of knowledge on a certain subject I am picking on him for. This time I actually got to DRAW a tumbleweed. Life mission #468 complete.
Now I actually have to go, like, research this whole Charlie Sheen debacle. Anyone know of a video summary of his complete mental breakdown? Maybe a “crazy quote” list? I have paid NO attention to this. As far as I knew, Charlie Sheen played “Wild Thing” in one of my favorite sports movies and one of the few good Cleveland sports “memories” I have. Yes, I know it was just a movie, but it’s all I’ve got, people. I still cry when they win the division *sob*. Hey, the Indians are so bad lately, I’m waiting for Major League 3 (or 4, actually) to come out. They can just use the current roster as stunt doubles.
Oh, that’s a *tumbleweed*! I thought Nettika coughed up a really nasty hairball
If this color scheme takes you less time than the old one, and you prefer the grays to b&w, stick with it cause there isn’t really a noticeable difference.
Haha! I love the Major League Movies! Or 1 and 2 – as much as I love Scott Bakula, “Back to the Minors”… uh… *tumbleweed rolls through Winnie’s brain*
I like that you reached your Tumbleweed dream. That reminds me of my quest to use the “record scratch & stop” sound during an actual moment that could use that sound!
Nice caricature of Sheen in the last frame. He is truly nuts at the moment. See? That’s what sex, drugs and money can do to you! I’ll take being broke, thank you very much…

heh, he actually is broke…or cash light atm…that is why he is scrambling to whore himself out so he can get more cash to get more drugs, porn stars and bentleys…even though the dude made $1 million per episode, his drug habit was more than he made. It is sad to see the meltdown, but I’m betting we’ll see a sadder headline sooner rather than later.
Is that a tumbleweed or did one of them cough up a hairball? haha
I see you got yourself the ziptone brush workin’ well there, Dawn!
(although they are probably calling it halftone as I think ziptone needs those lil ™ thingamajigs next to it…ziptone™ lol
Hahaha. I have the same association with tumbleweed. Whenever it’s very quiet at the office, I always miss a tumbleweed rolling by… because that would be the ultimate ‘peace and quiet’