More nonsensical Sheen quotes for you to ponder over coffee. There are so many “Sheen quote database” sites online, these strips practically write themselves. I could have Zorphbert give a response to each of his eccentric statements, but methinks that would get old. Much to Mr. Sheen’s chagrin, I think most of us have had our fill.
In other news, I think I could now draw Charlie in my sleep. Not that I would ever want to. I like my dreams lunatic-free, thanks.
Be sure to the note the “crazy” straw. Get it? *slaps knee*
Discussion (10) ¬
Too funny, Dawn!! .. The “crazy straw,” the 3rd panel shrug, the “up” reference to craziness, the “sheen-to-english” ending
Homerun! Grand Slam!!!! I loved it!
Thanks so much! and very timely with your baseball phrases… my Indians are actually doing well. go fig.
I have a family member who makes the same face Fred has in panel 3, for almost the same reason. Good stuff.
I may the person in my family that everyone else shrugs at.
This is great! I don’t know what to say, other than I am laughing hard enough for my stomach to hurt.
Thanks Vince! Perhaps I should add a disclaimer about not be responsible for upset stomachs. ;0P
“Squirrel!!!” Is always a good response to a hard question. I use it a lot.
It has endless possibilities, really. Thanks for the comment Bo!
I love silent shrugs, especially with the single-eye-squint!