I’m with Nettika. Can those SPCA commercials GET any more miserably gut-wrenching? UGHH! Whenever it’s on I immediately snatch up my poor dog and smother her. As if I’m somehow helping the dogs on TV. Sarah, why must you douse me in misery with your tragically beautiful voice? *sob* Excuse me, I need…. I have to….. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry again….!
They killed a song I used to like with those ads.
ohhh.. that song from Pay it Forward? I think that’s it…. the song at the end of the movie. But yes, as if that song couldn’t get any sadder… Sarah made it so.
Awwwww… Poor Fred…
it’s all Sarah’s fault.
Pet has become a pet hoarder.
Well maybe they can open up their own pet adoption agency. Z&F Pets for Less. They can take the basket approach as they did. 
ha ha, good memory!
My wife see’s those Sarah McLaughlin ads on TV and she wants to save em all! ..mind you, she’s not even an animal lover per se, but give her sad doggie eyes and she melts like buttah! I have it down to science…. [grin]
careful Jinksie, use those powers for GOOD!
Is it possible to zap Zorphbert back to the shelter?
I suppose it is…. but would ol’ Faithful Fred DO that? I think not. No worries, a compromise will be made!
Nettika would!
We’ve already done our “saving animals” bit… we saved four 1 day old kitties… complete with bottle feedings (every two hours), kept two of them, then we took in another we found outside our old apartment eating leaves! My wife insists on keeping the sound down on those Sarah commercials.
that’s awesome how you took in all those kitties! Fred would be proud :0)