I have excited news! With the generous offer from Byron Wilkins of 1977 to help out, I will be attending Chicago’s big C2E2 Con in April! Apparently, they’re even sectioning off a specific “webcomics” area of artist alley for us weirdos, including the HalfPixel guys. I will have the 1st Z&F collection printed and ready to sell by then, probably some T-shirts and other goodies. I am so stoked! Anyone else going to be attending?

Here’s the site for more info:

If you have not noticed by handy-dandy Book-o-Meter on the left sidebar, well then… so ya know… I am making good progress with the 1st Z&F collection! Working on some extra content like cameos, contests, even a look into my first comic, “Leftovers”. And there’s even more (I need not reveal everything!) I am hoping to have the book proofed and the first shipment in my hands by March. I guess that means I need to start taking preorders. Gotta look into that soon. Get your paypal accounts fired up!