Cookie Blasphemy Aug11 on 2011/08/11 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Well, someone had to say it. Fred knows his limits when it comes to cookies. If you want to start from the beginning of this story to see what the frig is going on, head over HERE. └ Tags: catnip, cookies, flax seed, fred, hippie, pactin
Wow – the catnip epidemic is reaching levels unseen since… okay, just unseen… uh, and it might not be an epidemic. I should just not say words.
I like your words! exaggerated or not! Words good.
I tend to avoid anything that includes flax seed too.
I got made fun of for getting the “health milkshake” a local 50’s diner. Had wheat germ in it, and fruit with skim milk. It was good, but a tad gritty…
I think I have had the same reaction to cardboard..erm..granola bars
granola bars are good! plain rice cakes.. now THOSE are cardboard!
Jus’ break out da ole granola and vegan water, put on yer bandana and sing ‘Kum Baehy Yaw’. Dats whut heas afraid of…
No chocolate chips in the cookies? Satanic!
In the name of Godiva, the power of Hershey’s compels you!
I swear I can’t read this comic with out wanting to indulge in some cookies afterwords LOL.