It’s these type of magazines that make me wonder about A: those who have to write them, and B: those who legitimately read and even BELIEVE them. I mean… seriously:

seriously? really?

And a special thanks to my twitter pal, Jande (Eccentric Orbits) for helping me come up with this idea. Twitter is a blessing when a cartoonist is grasping at straws for what to tackle next. Jande reminded me it’s time to go back to the roots of the strip– aliens.


As I continue to work on Zorphbert and Fred: Volume 2, I am also preparing for the Comic Convention Season, which is growing closer and closer! Check out my appearance listing to your right——>

My Webcomic Alliance pals and I kick it off in Chicago next weekend, for C2E2 Comic Con! We’ll be in the Webcomic Pavilion (yes, we get our OWN “pavilion”!)…. to sell books, talk shop with other cartoonists, do commissions, and if you listen to our podcast, probably bash each other left and right. It’s what we do best, really. So if you are in the area, make sure to stop by and behold geekery at its finest!