Hey Look, it’s ME!

It’s fun to know you make enough of an impression at a convention to wind up in someone’s comic. Not that it was my first time meeting him, but Chris Flick of “Capes and Babes”  felt it necessary to include me in one of his latest comics. Here’s a single panel that features me (ironically in PINK, heaven forbid!) along with new buddy Ben “Tovias” McCormick of Reality Amuck (and of course Roy the werewolf). Click on it to read th rest of the comic! I suppose this makes up for the fact that usually Chries is sneaking up and pelting me with tootsie rolls at conventions. Oh, who am I kidding, I love candy warfare.

But, I won’t forget this usage of PINK, Chris. That was a low down dirty trick… you are ruining my tomboy cred, man. You wouldn’t want me spreading the word about your love of Twilight and sparkly vampires, would ya?



So, in case you haven’t already, check out Chris’ fun little side of the internet– about a strip mall, a comic book shop, and a werewolf. And a woman who loves her power tools, how cool is that?!