I’m super proud of my husband for signing up for Weight Watchers, buying into the methods 100%, and losing 40 frickin’ lbs!!!! .. but I am also INSANELY jealous. Not that all he cut out was soda, but man do guys lose weight SO much easier than girls. Can I get a “heck yeah” from my fellow estrogen-laden peeps???!!!
I am recovering from the Philly Con with a big grin on my face! It went really, really well for me, and I met a ton of wonderful people as well seeing some familiar faces. To date, it was my most successful convention, and I am looking forward to next years for sure! But first… Allentown Comic Con in a month, and next up after that is Baltimore in August! (see my sidebar for more details on those). And stay tuned– a recap post plus pictures to go up Wednesday! wee hee!
Heck yeah! >.>
meh, I’ll take it ;0)
Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. There is no right answer! Ha!
Fun strip Dawn!
almost as bad as “does this make me look fat?”. I don’t even ask my husband that one, it’s evil! Thanks man.
Wow – I know a few people who did/do Weight Watchers with success. Congratulations to your husband – 40 lbs is amazing! And yes, you can get a heck yeah from me on that!
I cut out soda myself, but that’s more because my teeth were about to go on strike from the sugar and my poor hygiene when I [used to] drink soda before bed and fall asleep while waiting for the 30 minutes to an hour one supposedly needs to wait before brushing…
So now when my husband drinks soda, he pours a little out for his homie-er, wife…
eesh, I know what you mean about “soda breath”. I so rarely drink soda anymore, that when I do the carbonation makes me hiccup like crazy! I just really try to drink water or milk and that’s it! (okay, and beer, on weekends)
I learned a long time ago when it comes to women and their concern about weight loss a guy is not the person to offer any recommendation. You just encourage, and move on. I remember my wife and I were in almost this exact same scenario a few weeks back, I mentioned that I lost 5 lbs within a month by just cutting out soda, the look she gave me I’m surprised I wasn’t wearing the food as a hat.
Congrats to Rick on the weight loss and I know due to your thyroid condition it’s extremely difficult for you, so don’t get discouraged just keep pushing forward, find an exercise program that works for you to help you with energy and don’t worry about trying to shed the weight off quick cause medication and the medical condition are going to make it difficult. Together y’all can find a life change with your foods choices, activities, etc. that allow you to both get out and enjoy things and lift each other up. I find cutting out a lot of my sugar intake really boosted my energy levels a lot. Good luck Rick with the Weight Loss program and remember to keep what you learn moving forward. That’s the tricky part is re-training your brain to know what’s good for ya. I still battle the late night snack cravings and the want to reward myself with sweets from time to time.
Thanks for the the understanding and the pep talk, Todd. Rick is not ignorant enough to make suggestions like this, which is why I say the characters are “based” on us…. a lot of times the arguments and punchlines are in no way related to us specifically. Rick seems to feel my pain- he sees what I do both in exercise and diet (we used to do it together, and he’d lose and I wouldn’t), and it literally makes no sense to him why I still gain or never lose. That’s how impactful that tiny little thyroid gland is, even being properly medicated (on natural meds, even), it’s just not quite the same. It is what it is, and I have to try not to compare myself to others. It’s just that nagging voice that says “STOP making EXCUSES! whine whine whine.. if only you TRIED harder!!!!”, gotta tune that out.
If you or anyone else is curious, this is my specific disease & the “treatment” that just screwed me up more: http://www.gravesdiseasecure.com/RAI.html
Again, thanks for the kind words, as always.
I’m glad I learned early in my marriage not to compare any weight loss I experience to my wife’s. She doesn’t think it’s cute nor commendable. I just try to slim in silence if I can.
probably the safest thing to do, George. That, and no jokes about her taking on the weight you lost. I, however, make that joke about myself all the time.
It was in our wedding vows that I remain forever heavier than my wife. After 29 years, I’m proud to say that is one vow I’ve not broken.
I have 3 older sisters, I learned early on never discuss weight with women.
LOL, interesting wedding vows! Rick and I actually weight about the same at the moment… in a week, he’ll probably be lighter than me, eeesh. (I also weigh a LOT more than I look.. I can win those guess-my-weight games all the time. They’re usually off by at least 25 lbs)
I guess the dog house probably isn’t too far behind.
ha, yeah.. maybe he’ll use the alien teleporter to warp back in time and NOT give advice, LOL!
It works great the first thing you cut out. Then the weight comes back and you cut out something else….then you run out of things to cut back on.
next I’m gonna try actual limbs.
Poor male owner!!
oh sure, take HIS side! :0)
LOL! Every time he tells you to cut back on the soda, just secretly add a large amount of sodium to his diet. The water retention alone will add up in no time! …as will the heart attacks, but that is just an unfortunate side effect! o.O
dieting these days does feel like a competitive blood sport!
Female and really want to lose weight? Do like my wife did and breastfeed! The pounds just fall off, but there is a side effect that lasts about 18 years…
I had NO idea breastfeeding makes you shed pounds.. but yknow… those gallons of milk DO feel pretty heavy. I guess it’s like emptying out on of those.
Can ya tell I never had a kid? ;0P
Thanks Sandy!
Did you wife continue to breast feed after the baby got teeth by any chance? I can see how that would take the weight off.
It may be true that guys lose weight a bit faster (something to do with denser muscle fibers and the fact our bodies don’t have to worry about the potential baby coming about inside of us) but the ladies really wow people when they lose as little as 10 pounds.
interesting point. Then again, women show off more skin (and are more likely to do so if they’re slimmer!) than men do. So it’s easier to see. Plus, weight loss is SUCH a prevalent topic of discussion for women (thanks, society), that even when I see someone I haven’t in a while, I get the obligatory “have you lost weight?” as often as “How have you been?” I think it’s just something women say to each other, regardless if it actually appears to be true.
I am such a pessimist!
If that’s the case, I guess the correct answer is “Why yes, I have!” No need to specify precisely when that happened, or whether or not you gained it back afterwards.
Dawn– The book arrived today. Thank you so very much. Given this strip’s topic, I can only say, no comment. Much safer that way : )
He’s lucky. She could have forced him to eat the kibble. (How many calories in dog food, I wonder?)