I’m sure you all recognize the face from the third panel. There have been times in my life that I wish I could have managed a smile like that, even if just for comedic value. What evil scheme does Nettika conjur up?
“Nuffles” is a fun word, though I have no idea what it is. It has been referenced before, however…
Sports lovers, look for a special post from this here bitter Cleveland fan. A recap of my thoughts on the recent events in the NBA, and my psychological take on being a sports fan. Consider it my final purge, so I can stop bombarding you all with “LeFraud James” this and that on twitter & facebook. I’ll move on but I’ll never forget.
If you want a preview of sorts, you can read my rant from 1 year ago, when the Cavs were knocked out of the playoffs, ending their best season in franchise history. Little did I realize they only had one more year before dissolving back into bottom feeders.
Discussion (13) ¬
Then she got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful, *awful* idea!
Oh how I adore Dr. Suess… and The Grinch. The real cartoon version of course, it’s so classic.
I hate it when you have oversensitive nuffles….especially in this heat.
LOL, hey! who told you about the heat flare-ups? ;0)
My nuffles tingle a lot when Nettika get’s a snear like that. I absolutely love the grinch reference in Panel 3, the curling of the corner of the mouth, the ears…perfectly executed. Great, great job Dawn.
Nuffles…ha! Now I’m going to have to use the nuffles in a sentence sometime today and see what sort of double-take I get.
Thank man, I had a great time drawing that smile. Like I said, with my active imagination, I often picture that smile and wish I could deploy it in certain situations.
Good luck using “nuffles” when you (nor I) haven’t any idea what they actually ARE. heh
oh yeah, I went there.
It’s Twister payback time!
to quote Rick the Stick, “uh-oh”
Do you think y’all said ’nuff about nuffles?
Now there’s a dastardly look if I ever saw one.