eek, this one’s busy. I have to find a way to break down my writing in a more simple format.
Oh yeah, just to ensure you that I am not writing this story arc from my OWN experience…..
Dawn’s Actual Wedding Experience:
We had no drama on the big day. Seriously, no fights, no tension, everyone seemed to be positive and happy, which was awesome. Also, when you tell your bridesmaids they can wear whatever they want, you decrease your chances of an incident such as the above, heh.
We did the same with the bridesmaids in our wedding. Black dress, you pick it. Amazingly they could wear it again.
it just eliminates so much stress if you don’t need the matchy-match dresses for the photos… and yes, a black dress can SO be worn again!
Now we know why people cry at weddings
yeah ain’t nothing to do with love or commitment… LOL
funerals and and the same!
friend of mine said “weddings tear families apart, funerals bring them back together”… it sounded a little harsh to me, but man.. I kinda see now how that could be the case…
That is definitely some tension going on there. Talk about getting a report full of raw human experiences, it’s a shame Jerry Springer isn’t still filming they could probably go there and get some info on the turmoil in the dating life as well.
The bride in the center just wailing is awesome…talk about a rough start to a day of celebration.
man, a show with Jerry hosting about brides and weddings would be really HOT right now… have you SEEN those crappy Bridezilla shows?? yeesh.
Ah, social convention. It’s not difficult to find reminders as to why I live on the fringe.
you are far more fringe than me. I compromised some of that fringe… but at least I retained SOME of the that fringey-goodness for my wedding.
I don’t think our resident aliens have enough war tactics to deal with a room full of Bridezillas and their cohorts.
I know you weren’t one, Dawn, so you’re safe.
yeah, the vendors said I was pretty much the most easy-going & organized bride they ever dealt with ;0)
yup, it’s gonna get interesting.. lets be glad Miss Diva herself, Nettika, isn’t there!
Buwahaha! Tell me, Dawn, have you ever asked your man how you look in a dress? And if so, have you expected the truth or just what you wanted to hear? It’s just annoying to deal with that double standard, that’s why I want your personal opinion
Lax, I know you posed your question to Dawn, but I just wanted to say that I’ve asked that, and I always want to know the truth – and have been told that a color wasn’t flattering on me or something was a bit too tight, etc… I love my guy for that, and fishing for compliments or presenting a statement for a rubber stamp opinion is not my style (but, um, do you think my words look pretty in this post?). I didn’t want to marry a “yes [dear] man”, and luckily I didn’t.
However, were I to ever ask him if something makes my rear end look big, I would hope he said yes, because Sir Mix-A-Lot says it should be…
Considering the fact that I haven’t worn a dress since I had to be beaten into one, um.. never? (I even got married in a pantsuit ensemble with a suedo-train) LOL, but I get your drift. Mimicking Winnie’s response, I prefer honesty, as long as it’s respectful and tactful. “You look fat in that because you ARE fat!” wouldn’t be my suggestion of a way to handle this infamous question. A lot of women might be looking for an ego-boost by fishing for compliments with that question, but I’m the type who wants that poppy seed between my teeth pointed out!
My husband is the honest-to-a-fault type, and I appreciate it. Usually, if I am asking about how something looks, it’s because I already think it looks bad… and he will usually agree. Then, I change. My fat @$$ is, after all, what makes me look fat, so I refuse to ask that question in particular. I just shoot for “flattering” these days.
Of course, I’m a jeans-and-a-tee tomboy… so this only comes into play when I have to “clean up”.
Here’s to more Sir-Mix-a-lot-badonkadonks in this world, right Miss Winnie?
“Badonkadonks?” *ugh* Just don’t ever use that word in a comic, please?
it’s such a fun goofy word tho… oh fine, derelict, I shall resist.
Sorry derelict – I too was also a sucker for the word *looks around and whispers* “badonkadonk” in my day. *sits in rocking chair and knits* But I have those words that I feel are pervasive in pop culture, too, so out of respect, I will try to keep that particular b-word to a minimum outside of this post. I can’t promise anything about NKOTBSB references, though…
And yes, Dawn – Vive *whispers again* badonkadonk!