In my research for old Coke slogans, I found some of the earlier ones downright hilarious.
“For headache and exhaustion, drink Coca-Cola” “Ice-cold Coca-Cola is everywhere else – it ought to be in your family refrigerator”and my personal fav:
“The favorite drink for ladies when thirsty, weary, and despondent”More HERE.
EDIT: The punchline in this one was a gift from one of the last PWITM entrants: catfriedrice!
Much thanks for letting me “borrow” a great line!
I knew it! See, and THAT’S why I don’t drink that stuff
I found out the hard way myself. a couple times. wasn’t pretty.
Poor, Poor Fred; always the guinea pig. Man, Red bull is some potent stuff, it may not give you wings but it will surely have you wired for a little while. Zorphbert better be careful, he’s gonna end up with a pretty potent combination in Fred’s gullet that just might have surprising results in the end.
Leave it to the aliens to stack cans while one of their own is plummeting off of the top of their house.
Great strip as always Dawn. Looks like you’re getting ever closer to the book, can’t wait.
Red Bull is actually my last resort… for those long nights when coffee just won’t do. It has a way of focusing me without making me jittery.
Thanks man, I drew in those stacks of cans last minute, to add some interest and show just how much poor Fred had to drink.
The book is actually a tad further along than what the Meter says… keep forgetting to update it! Should be out around April ;0)
He might need to drink some Pepsi and fall back on the old slogan “Come Alive”.
ha ha, good one… believe me, I spent a lot of time digging through soda slogans online!
Red Bull doesn’t give you wings? Damn. I knew I wasted my money buying that stuff…
Lies! all lies, I say!
With all the ridiculous “Don’t try this at home” disclaimers they have to have in commercials these days to protect the slow ones, I’m surprised Red Bull doesn’t actually have to say this.
I remember a chalf-animated ommercial where a guy drank a soda, listening to music, and he walked out his window onto power lines, and walked across the power lines to the beat, and the commercial was half-animated.
Yes, it said “Do not attempt” on the bottom of the screen.
chalf-animated = half-animated. I need more caffeine.
we have gotten carried away with the disclaimers. Seriously. I work in the snack food field, and you’d be surprised how many times I have to put “Serving suggestion” on packaging, because it’s pictured with a strawberry… or on a plate… or with a spoon. People… idiots, I should say,… call in asking where their spoon is. After all, it was on the box.
Hopefully it will take the edge off the landing, anyway!
yes, the slight up-side… too jittery to feel pain.
I like it – they’re results oriented! I like that Fred’s eyes are speckled – haha! Glad these guys aren’t getting into the whole beer slogan debacle!
Do not tempt me ;0)
Nothing, but nothing will ever replace coffee.
…say, you could get a few weeks worth of material out of getting Fred hooked on java!
Excellent strip! I checked out those Coke sayings. Some of those are HILARIOUS!!
actually i liked the misstranslated one that ended up in india in the eighties, “drink coke and bring your ancesters back from the dead”
Red Bull may not give you wings, but jumping off a dog house may have the undesired effect of giving you wings… and a harp and halo. ;P
Red Bull may NOT give you wings, but it sure gives you on heck of a nervous tick-tick-tick!! o.O
No it doesn’t but he sure is flying from the caffiene rush!
Poor Fred. Hopefully all those chemicals in his system have made him impervious to the pain…
Red Bull will, in fact, give you a tremendous headache if you don’t drink enough of them.
Ha, you did use my idea
GAH! I was totally gonna give you credit in the author comments, and I FORGOT! It was one of my favorite entries, you made the decision a hard one ;0)
Thank you!
It’s all good
just glad I have some humor left in me.
Actually the most recent Red Bull commercials include the disclaimer “Doesn’t actually give you wings” or something to that effect. I don’t know if that is hilarious or sad.