Soooo.. the whole naming process had more of a purpose than you thought, eh? Hopefully Z&F will learn how to better control their new toy buddy.. but if not, it’ll be fun for us to watch. ;0)
BTW, did you see who won the latest PWITM Caption Contest? Thanks to all who played! I am curious, however, how to improve the contests, so it’s easier or more intriguing to enter.
[poll id=”13″]
Wow, That was like a Tom and Jerry type gag.
Classics never die, my friend ;0)
Now that is my kind of mechanical pet. I mean like if I had a mechanical pet or anything.
I’d like one that does my yard work. ugh.
Good things come to those who wait… or something like that. “Revenge is a dish best served cold… it is very cold in space…” that works as they’re aliens!
Also, who doesn’t love seeing a cat get whacked? Bring the pain!

LOL, I think I created Nettika solely for moments like this. I am SO not a cat person. ;0)
Bam! Head shot! thank you, needed that, not much of cat person myself, still don’t know how I ended up with one. Funny stuff
I’m here to rally the anti-cat troops ;0)
Robo mutt got more than he bargained for!