This one references some past story arcs and history in the world of Z&F. First off, Charlie Sheen actually realizes Z&F are aliens…. which a select few humans (besides the Weird Kid of course) can do from time to time. Mostly, they are the off-kilter humans like the Weird Kid himself.. bums, alcoholics, the demented types. But that’s what makes it funny ;0)
The other part references.. slightly… one heckuva goofy storyline I did a while back… about Spam baths. It starts here, if you want more “Sheen-Like” snippets of insanity from me:
Trust me Fred, that man is “His Kind” of weird, “Your Kind” of weird is special and appreciated…his is not.
That last scene has made me hit my threshold of weirdness for the month Zorphbert.
I’m no Sheen fan, before or after his shenanigans. But at least he gave me something to make fun of.
Does Tiger Blood make spam taste better?
I’d have to say…. no…
So THAT’S what winning looks like. Noted for future reference!
it’s good to have a visual reference. LOL!
Thanks for the comment Jerry… again, nice to meet you at Philly CC!
It figures Sheen would notice Z&F! LOL
He’s the perfect candidate! I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to exploit a celebrity.
actually… I don’t think I have ever tried Spam!
You draw excellent Sheenage, Dawn! Best I’ve seen since the rest of the world discovered he was loony.
why thank you! I’m sure there’s more dead-on caricatures out there… but I’ll take the compliment!
Does this mean the weird kid will grow up to be just like Charlie?
I’m sure he hopes so, but that would require more hard drugs and less elmer’s glue!
Tiger Blood Spam??? UGH! You’re gross! As far as I’m concerned it’s Panther Snot Spam all the way!
and I’m the gross one? *shudder*