This funny take on “stomping the glass” (a tradition I find entirely bizarre) is thanks to frequent commenter, fellow Ohioan, and twitter buddy “Bearman”. Check out his work at:
Dawn and Rick, whom the human characters in Z&F are loosely based around, are (finally) getting married after 7 years together, on November 6th, 2010. These terrific guest strips and artwork were submitted as a wedding gift by fellow webcomic creators and readers, using Dawn’s Wedding Guest Art Registry. Dawn.. erm, OKAY, I am very grateful for all the time and effort put into these awesome pieces and plan to include them in a special section of our wedding album. Thank you all SO much … for such a unique wedding experience.. and for feeding my website so I can take a much needed break!
Regular Z&F strips will return on Christmas Day! My holiday gift to you, readers ;0)
Discussion (21) ¬
Accckk. I have never seen my work so BIG.
Congrats again Dawn!!
It just emphasizes the sizable pain Fred is going through. ;0)
Thanks again, bearman! You da MAN!
“I’ve never seen my work so BIG”…. isn’t that what the choirboy said to the bishop?
hey hey hey now, kid-friendly site ;0)
But, yeah, *snicker*
Sorry D, I should have prewarned my readers to keep it clean.
That havin’ to wear shoes thing is why that glass breaking stuff never caught on at redneck weddings.
you never know with those rednecks.. having a baseball bat handy might work for them. Or rough, calloused hobbit feet!
Congratulations Dawn & Fred on your coming wedding. Great work Bearman
Oops sorry that should have been Dawn & Rick, my apologies for my stupid brain, I blame the medication…
Or is it Zorphbert & Rick???
I’m confused, it’s definitely the medication..
ha ha, Tony… it’s okay. I call Rick “Fred” sometimes too… he just goes with it.
Great job Bearman, love the expression on Fred’s face.
Congrats again Rick and Dawn on your upcoming nuptials and the start of a wonderful life together as Husband and Wife.
Thanks tmcelmurry, for your well wishes!
My first husband broke the glass without shoes and he bled to death. There were no doctors at the wedding and I couldn’t risk getting his blood on my dress, so no one could save him.
Leave it to Bearman to know EXACTLY the cartoon that would help me process such pain and anguish.
Cheers and congrats,
Vodka and Ground Beef
Vodka and ground beef? How’d you know our wedding menu?? LOL
I HOPE you were just messing with Bearman.. what a way to go, sheesh!
Wow! Now there’s a wedding tradition I’ve never heard of! Pretty funny though and a great drawing of Fred, Bearman!.
You need some Jewish friends to invite you to a wedding J.
Just another reason I’ve left my boots on since 1998 or so.
Congrats, Dawn!
Ha! Good stuff Bearman!
Congratulations, on the upcoming nuptials. Woo Hoo!
Congratualtions on your soon to be wedding. Cute picture. Funny cartoon break the glass and then kick off your shoes and dance. Ouch!
Ouch! That looks even more painful at such an immense size. Good comic, Bearman. I really like seeing your work this large.