I figured with the C2E2 Con this coming weekend, I should bring my guys along, virtually. Cheaper than paying extra fees at the airport for pet transport and all.
This weekend, peeps! This weekend I will be in Chicago for C2E2 Comic Con! Joining me at THE MOST FUN TABLE EVAR is Mr. Byron Wilkins of 1977, so it should be a raucous good time. For any of you lucky comic fans who are attending, please stop by our booth. I’ll have lots of good stuff on hand, including the NEW Z&F COLLECTION!
Sounds like a great time. Hope you and byron have a great time and sell bunches of stuff.
Thanks Bearman! It’s gonna be one heckuva weekend.
I wish I could go to a con. I’ve never been to one before, so I feel as if I should go as an attendee first just to see what the environment is like and then probably after that have a table. But thats a long ways off now since I’m sorta just starting out.
Good luck at the Con!!!
This is my 1st time exhibiting at a table, actually. I’ve been to a handful of cons before, including Philly’s Wizard World, Webcomics Weekend, and Baltimore Comic Con. Glad to finally be moving on to the next level! (it helps I finally also have a book out!)
I’m planning on attending Sunday, see you there!
awesome! see you there, bud.
I always perfrered Leonardo. Big swords > sticks on chains anytime. Have fun at C2E2!
TMNT was more of my sister’s thing… I was a Thundercats gal. And her favorite was Leonardo!
I used to love Ninja Turtles. In middle school as I “grew out” of that phase, my friends and I blew up my entire collection with firecrackers. Little did I know that they might be worth something today. DOH! Oh well. It was cool watching Leonardo’s head go flying up a hundred feet or so up in the air.
LOL, omg that’s hilarious. You were like the original Sid from Toy Story!
Ha,ha,ha. Funny stuff. Really like your color choices, they look awesome. Great job!
Much thanks! I figured I should try to work in color storylines here and there ;0)
Sweet costume, duuuude!
Hope you sell loads of the new book!
Enjoy the con
meeeee toooooooo ;0)
And I love Nate Fakes’ story. Hilarious! Sadly, I never grew out of the Ninja Turtles (the show, the figures, the video game(s), the movies) or hid my strange love for Vanilla Ice’s “Ninja Rap” from “Secret of the Ooze” or how awesome I’ll always think Elias Koteas was as Casey Jones…
I remember being dragged along with my little sister to see a TMNT movie. I was in that pre-teen “I’m am WAY too cool for this stuff” phase. But, honestly, it wasn’t that bad! Splinter kept “making a funny”.
Ugh, Vanilla Ice. A sad blemish on our generation’s playlist. My obsession at that time was TLC. I thought those chicks were so awesome, in their afro-centric baggy clothes and Left Eye’s helium-rap-voice.
That’s awesome, Michelangelo has always been my favorite. Turtle Power!! Man when the first movie came out I was a Sophmore in High School, I has just moved to East Texas and being the new kid I was sort of donned the weird kid. I was so pumped to go see this movie, and ended up making a ton of friends because of it. I found out there were a bunch of kids at school that had grown up watching TMNT cartoons like me, and we all loaded up in my moms van and she dropped us off at the theater. I think this was probably the first movie I got to see with no parental hovering. Man, great memories….thanks for bringing those back up Dawn.
Good luck this weekend at the C2E2 convention. Have a great time as a table mate with Byron, and sale a ton of stuff. Can’t wait to hear all about it next week.
wow, so TMNT helped the new kid find friendship, awwww. Those crazy turtles! I remember the NES game, man did I play it a lot. It was hard!
Keep your eyes and ears out for a soon-to-follow Tall Tale Radio special C2E2 episode with none other than Byron and I!
The Turtles were so awesome! I had quite a few of the figures, too. I even made a layer out of some boxes with paper towel rolls for tunnels. Ah those were the days … last week was the BEST – seriously!
Have a great time at the convention!
Thanks, and hope next week was as fun as last ;0)
Great one as usual.
Thanks Bo! Guess I’m on a roll!
Is it wrong that my childhood heroes were Bebop and Rocksteady?