These lucky aliens just get new gadgets around every corner! The “Tele-laser” is not that different than the handheld teleporter device they’ve used in the past… it just allows one to point-and-shoot anything back to the doghouse. The regular handheld device just helps them teleport themselves back to the doghouse. See the difference? Okay, quiz in 5 minutes.
Wow -I don’t know why the color stood out to me in today’s strip, but it did… and go Fred! You save those animals… and they’ll each save 2 friends, who will each save 2 friends, and so on… Oh, wait…that’s a lot out there…
Fred’s heart is in the right place, he just hasn’t thought this out quite yet. Well it seems like it’s time to get these critters adopted. I hope they can handle this issue before their owners get home.
Z&F are like unruly teenagers…always getting in trouble, and getting out of it before mom and dad get home.
I have to say…. it’s a worthy use of a teleport gun!
I could REALLY use one of those, tho I fear I may use it on candy and video games more than anything else.
Let’s just hope Fred doesn’t make his way to the zoo, and for goodness sake KEEP HIM AWAY FROM THE ELEPHANT PEN!! Hate to see one of those blasting out of the doghouse…
(Course, Zorph’s reaction would be kinda funny…)
LOL, now THAT would be a sight to see! Poor doghouse wouldn’t know what hit it.
I wonder if that gun works through aquarium glass
Love the brown dog in panel 1!
thanks! love drawing the “play bow”.