Entrant #3 is another Webcomicplant Collective member, Byron Wilkins of “1977” fame. I love the simplicity of this. I often over-complicate how I write my comics, and osmetimes simplicity in itself can be hilarious. As is the word “snarflex”. I am going to “borrow” that by the way, Byron. Maybe I just like it because “snarf” is part of the word, and I remember the 80’s cartoon Thundercats fondly ;0)
Hey, does this banner look vaguely familiar? Maybe that’s because I just gave this guys a legnthy review a couple days ago! But seriously, if you like retro comics, and Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll, you will, like, TOTALLY dig this webcomic, man.
Awesome work, Byron! And “Snarflex” seems to fit in quite perfectly with Z&F’s vocab!
LOL, Snarflex! That was really funny!
Cyberdog out.
Well, Dawn seems to run a fairly clean comic strip and I didn’t want to be the first one to drop a swear word into her comic strip… so my crazy-ass brain came up with snarflex… I little bit of Pinky and the Brain (Narf!) influenced me too!
As far as simplicity, yeah, I like clean, simple comics too, but this is also due to my extreme laziness and true hatred of drawing backgrounds. I’m a trained draftsman too, so I know perspectives and all that jazz, I’m just… well, lazy.
CRAP! (and there’s the first swear word…) I just noticed I spelled Zorphbert’s name wrong in the comic’s credit at the bottom. Son of a berphbot!
I just googled “snarflex”, and was surprised to see this page is #4. I thought #1 for sure. That’s the cool thing about having a bizarre character name in you’re title- when I google “zorphbert”, everything that comes up is me! Of course, I also have to google, “zophert”, “zoftbert”, “zorbert” and “zorhert”… cuz no one can spell it. So, no offense taken my friend, I am amazed if people can pronounce it. And quite used to it.. I am “Dawn Griffith” half the time anyway.
I am officially hiring you to come up with alien words and expletives. Just FYI. You’ll have some forms to fill out, and I can only pay in dum-dums.