I realize some people have ham at Easter, or turkey at Christmas… but you get the idea.
And there is a real “Tom Turkey” group on facebook you can join… a petition to hold the Christmas decoration until after Thanksgiving. Should we really be surprised? There’s a fan page for anything & everything. Heck, I’m a fan of “The Guy Who Threw His Shoes at Bush”.
Tommy is so adorable!
adorable in a cannibalistic way, heh
I think I saw Tommy crusin’ around on my wifes Farmville.
Can’t wait to feast on ya Tommy. Hopefully Fred doesn’t get attached to Tommy’s frozen friend Butterball.
I was gonna name him butterball, but I wanted the facebook friend tie-in to be literal, LOL
Turkey’s get a raw deal! Well, at he has a few friends at the end.
well, the plastic turkey will have a few friends… at least.
Tommy looks delicious.
lip-smackin’ good!
time to deep fry that bad boy!
LOL, I’m with ya, bring on the feast!
I am going ot start a Facebook petition to force people to keep their lights up all year. People tend to be nicer and I am getting too lazy to put them up and take them down.
I’m willing to bet my thanksgiving dinner there’s already a petition like that. well no.. nevermind. I will have my TURKEY tomorrow!
Yes, no Christmas stuff until AFTER Thanksgiving. I hate that! The music at Wal-Mart starts like right after Halloween. Ugh…
Nice strip! What other holidays do we kill the mascots for feasting? LOL! That’s killer… Oh, another pun!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy Turkey Day to you too Byron! Let the holiday insanity commence.
Great comic, Dawn! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Alas, poor Tommy…
So, what do you eat on St. Patrick’s Day?