The drawing of Fred Belching is awesome. As always Dawn great strip, great talent. Mountain Dew will get my heart burn fired up sometimes if I drink it too fast and in too large of quantities, Root Beer is by far the best for an explosive Belch. Man I hope they stop at the soda’s if they get into the hard stuff it’s gonna be messy.
All I can hear/see in my head now is Don Ho singing “Tiny Bubbles” while the dogs dance in their hula skirts behind him! *call me warped* (a-lo-HA hey.. a-lo-HA-hey…)
in some countries, it is considered to be a compliment to the cook if you let out a good healthy belch at the end of the meal (as long as nothing else accompanies the belch). I also tried to tell my kids that in some countries a fart is like saying, “I love you.” For some reason, they didn’t buy that one.
OK, I have to drop in an oddball item here: Did you know in Canada our Mountain Dew doesn’t have much or any caffeine in it? That’s what I’ve been told. Something stupid about some regulation regarding colas.
I do like the reaction to the carbonation. Good take; it must be confusing for anyone who’s never had a carbonated beverage before and might be wondering ‘what’s the point?’.
Oh, and one more note: For some people, explosive release of said carbonation IS the point.
hmm, interesting factoid about Canada! Thanks for sharing!
This one reminds me of that one Coca Cola commercial, where a 3rd country child of some sort tries Coke for the first time… and giggles at the carbonation. I barely remember it, but it was cute.
I’ll have to admit, one of life’s simple pleasures is letting a big one fly every now and then when drinking soda. I drink Diet Pepsi like it’s my life force, so I should know.
I’m a rare soda drinker for health reasons, so now when I drink one, the carbonation automatically gives me the hiccups. Which kinda makes me not want to drink it at all- LOL. I always kinda preferred Diet Pepsi to Coke. Loved those new lime flavors!
Ha! Funny material. Enjoy reading the strip consistently awesome.
why thank you!
At least the bubbles came back out of the mouth.
I’m glad you mentioned it bearman!
NOT gonna draw THAT! I have my limits ;0)
I love that – “the soda did not want to be held”! Mountain Dew might just want to use that in their ads…
a solid tagline. Coming from someone in the snack food industry, I have heard much MUCH worse. Oh, the stories I could tell.
i never want to be in a bathroom and have a voice waif over the top of the stall “hey, does this sh*t look fizzy to you?
come to think of it, me neither.
Nice! Alien belching! Excellent…
I find Mountain Dew not as explosive as other sodas. Which is good as I drink a lot of it. Root Beer will make you explode!
Back to the basics for me- gassy humor!
I agree, Root Beer can be pretty bad in that way.
The drawing of Fred Belching is awesome. As always Dawn great strip, great talent. Mountain Dew will get my heart burn fired up sometimes if I drink it too fast and in too large of quantities, Root Beer is by far the best for an explosive Belch. Man I hope they stop at the soda’s if they get into the hard stuff it’s gonna be messy.
I’m working my way to the hard stuff. I think we will all feel pretty terrible for Fred by the end of this.
All I can hear/see in my head now is Don Ho singing “Tiny Bubbles” while the dogs dance in their hula skirts behind him! *call me warped* (a-lo-HA hey.. a-lo-HA-hey…)
wow, talk about visuals. Thanks for the future strange dreams.
Haha! Love that Burp! Well drawn!!!
Thanks! It was quite fun to do!
Channeling the spirit of Barney Gumbel!
you got that right! Inspiration at its finest.
Funny punchline! (And a variation on a line I use to describe other bodily expulsions of expanding gases…)
it always comes back to the fart, doesn’t it?
in some countries, it is considered to be a compliment to the cook if you let out a good healthy belch at the end of the meal (as long as nothing else accompanies the belch). I also tried to tell my kids that in some countries a fart is like saying, “I love you.” For some reason, they didn’t buy that one.
Your kids aren’t very gullible, this is a good thing. LOL!
Haha, good stuff!
LOL, this was good. You know he’s lucky his little alien body didn’t explode. Some creatures just shouldn’t do the dew.
maybe I could draw Fred’s head exploding in the future, as a metaphor for how it feels.
I can hear the bomb squad now, “Everyone clear the area… we do not have containment.”
This one almost got me thrown out of the library.
ah yes, Z&F’s sole purpose: disruption of the peace in public places.
Getting a real kick out of this arc, Dawn
And now I have a craving for a Dr. Pepper…
now I do, as well. I rarely drink soda, but this storyline has me cravin’ them!
Yeah, I have mixed feelings about carbonation. Too much is too much, which is why I prefer sprite to 7up, the latter tasting like acid to me.
the new cranberry (or is it raspberry) 7up is pretty good!
OK, I have to drop in an oddball item here: Did you know in Canada our Mountain Dew doesn’t have much or any caffeine in it? That’s what I’ve been told. Something stupid about some regulation regarding colas.
I do like the reaction to the carbonation. Good take; it must be confusing for anyone who’s never had a carbonated beverage before and might be wondering ‘what’s the point?’.
Oh, and one more note: For some people, explosive release of said carbonation IS the point.
hmm, interesting factoid about Canada! Thanks for sharing!
This one reminds me of that one Coca Cola commercial, where a 3rd country child of some sort tries Coke for the first time… and giggles at the carbonation. I barely remember it, but it was cute.
Dew will do that
it certainly will, yep.
I’ll have to admit, one of life’s simple pleasures is letting a big one fly every now and then when drinking soda. I drink Diet Pepsi like it’s my life force, so I should know.
I’m a rare soda drinker for health reasons, so now when I drink one, the carbonation automatically gives me the hiccups. Which kinda makes me not want to drink it at all- LOL. I always kinda preferred Diet Pepsi to Coke. Loved those new lime flavors!
Man, I wanted to let out a humongous burp just reading this strip. I definitely know the feeling, Fred.
I know what you mean, I felt like I was gonna burst after drawing this strip!