Wrapping up this board game sequence. Hope you enjoyed it! I know there were at least 50 other games I wish I could have touched on.. but no need to bore you all to death.
A little teaser: look for the RETURN of Clipart FAIL… very soon. Maybe even with a guest writer! *drums fingers* mwhahahaha.
Lol. Gloating is the best part of the game. (-; I enjoy your blog. Love the clip art fail too Looking forward to it.
Only thing worse than a poor loser is a poor winner.
Isn’t the right to gloat somewhere in the Constitution? I’m sure it’s in there somewhere… probably the part about the right to the pursuit of happiness.
Upside down cats are always a win.
I think the right to Gloat is and always will be the main reason any of us play competitive sports or games. Gloating is as American as Apple Pie, and by golly I challenge any of you to a pie baking contest any day….oops, there’s my competitive nature coming out again, with a need to gloat about my apple pie. Sorry.
Nettika sure has an awesome grip there.
its not gloating without the “victory is mine” tag line
The right to gloat is the only substitute for a gigantic trophy.
Ah yes, the most satisfying of all rights.