Once, a long while back, I touched on how even aliens find a cat’s ability to purr fascinating. One of those universal perplexing anomalies. Like humanity itself, I suppose.
A Note for my Workshop Students…
If you came for my free cartooning workshop this past weekend, I just wanted to say THANKS! It was a pleasure to have you there, and I think my first cartooning class went well! Here’s the picture I took of all the aliens you created with my “mad libs” game. I hope you had fun and learned a little something along the way! Feel free to email me via the contact page, if you have any questions!
If you’re trying to impress a dog person with a cute cat purring sound Dawn it didn’t work. Cats are evil
I’m sensing a theme from you, Tony LOL
Do you mean the Cats Are Evil theme Dawn??? You have an astute sense of observation
Here’s a fun way to play with cats…
Take two cats that live peacefully together and drop one buffalo wing between them. Oh the fun!
And Tony is right, cats are evil. But I love then just the same!
huh. funny, same thing happens with my husband and I. It’s all fun and games until there’s a buffalo wing to be fought over.
Cats are not evil. They’re just… well… cats.
the misleading purring that leads to a bite on the hand… pretty evil. ;0)
Yeah, my cat did that once, but it was just a little nip. No damage. I think she was judging my reaction, and when I tossed her off my lap she never did it again. Cats are hard to figure sometimes.
that’s been my experience with all cats. They want you to pet them, purr their heads off, and then randomly in the petting session …CHOMP! Then they trot off and an hour later they’re back for more.
The purr suppresses them all