Yep, that’s an official quote by the Sheenster himself. If you want more nonsense like it, try I hear he’s trying to trademark these phrases now.
Say no to drugs, kids.
Yep, that’s an official quote by the Sheenster himself. If you want more nonsense like it, try I hear he’s trying to trademark these phrases now.
Say no to drugs, kids.
Well the wizard himself is singing Rubber Ducky now, soon that tune will be on iTunes as part of his “Winning songs just come flowing from my brain pan” album.
I love Fred’s almost pleading question of “Not our Realm right?” Fred, we don’t even want him in our realm anymore either.
ha ha, yeah Fred’s voice in my head even has a quiver to it… like “please, god, say no”
Yep. If weird was water they would all be drownin’.
you got that right, Bo. Bo knows weird. ;0)
I majored in it all three years I spent in the 10th grade.
I like your caricature of sheen and the fade bathroom tile without black outline so it recedes into background. It’s the details about great artwork that always catch my eye, Dawn. You’re very talented with your ink!
Thanks so much! I love your work as well.. the corsshatch reminds me of my previous comic where I used a lot of crosshatch– (of course, you do it a lot better than I did back then) We have a lot in common, dude. All-ages comics are picking up speed!
Thanks, Dawn! From everything I see I’m a bit late to the webcomic world, but jumping in the water nonetheless. Look at your old site! Amazing!! You’ve done it for SO long. I’m impressed. Really!
When someone mentions Charlie Sheen, all I can think of is this:
Having seen the Duckie-referencing one (“put me down on the “YES! I love Pretty in Pink and Duckie got the shaft!” side…), but missing being able to comment on it, I’m glad I’m finally getting to keep up with the Z&F Charlie Sheen extravaganza. …Dude, can’t handle it.