If you were curious how Z&F would hide their new robot toy from the human owners, this should explain it. Easy enough… when in doubt, use alien technology (a.k.a.- ripped-off concept from a certain famous 80’s cartoon series). This little guy is “more than meets the eye”.
In Other News:
Some of you who know my Cleveland roots may be wondering how I took Lebron’s ego-maniacal “The Decision”, which now sits amongst “The Drive”, “The Fumble”, “The Shot” and others in the Cleveland Sports Misery Trophy Case. Well…
For those who follow me on twitter or facebook, my apologies for the #LeBASTARD barrage… I’m pretty dang bitter.
Just saw where the Cavs owner got $100,000 fine for his own barrage.
I have a feeling that’s one Tennis Ball that when served even Boris Becker in his prime wouldn’t be able to reach. Wonder if you could throw the ball then shout out a command and have the robodog retrieve itself.
Poor Fred, his Sock tail looks pretty well shambled.
Either Becker wouldn’t be able to touch it or This ball would cause the biggest fit John McEnroe never had on a tennis court!
so we’re calling him Chuck?
Ha,ha,ha. It’s a Bakugan.
tmcelmurry raises an interesting thought. If you threw the robodog and yelled “fetch,” would it get so confused trying to chase itself that it would explode? I’m sure Fred would be keen on trying…
If Sproing ever goes missing, I know who dunnit.
WOW! Wish I could do that when I want to hide!