What have you “acquired” a taste for as you got older? For me, it was beer (I like Belgian wheats and stouts), broccoli (though I still don’t like it much but with cheese it’s okay), red & white wines (as long as they’re not dry), and coffee (provided it has cream & sugar). So… more like I found a way to shoe-horn my tastes into each category. ;0)
I grew up on school cafeteria lunches so I don’t have much of a sophisticated pallet.
So the school cafeteria failed to educate your palate?
I went to public school so education wasn’t their priority.
hey man, to this day I love a good PB&J sammich.
I skip the bread and just put the P&J into a bowl and eat it with a spoon.
I used to refuse tomatoes, though sauces and the like were fine. I think they were too acidic for me as a kid. Now I like to eat them sometimes, though I still don’t think to buy them for myself that often. Parsnips, on the other hand, I still dislike, though there are better and worse preparations and I will eat them if served.
My grandpa would love to eat a tomato like an apple. ick. I can deal whit slices on something, but they are too gooey and alien-larva-esque for me to enjoy whole!
Yeah, if I’m going to eat them whole I go for the little cherry or grape tomatoes. Some varieties are quite tasty and they can also go in chili or salads. Large tomatoes definitely require chopping.