One of my very few black-out panels. Actually, may be my only one. Over-used, can portray the artist as lazy, but done properly and within reason, can be very effective. Oh hell, what do I know.. I copy-pasted the middle panels. I am lazy.
Don’t forget to swing by and VOTE for your favorite webcomics! I now have leftover Halloween candy and I am not beyond shameless bribery. *dangles 500 packs of smarties in front of you*
Sometimes, when you’re pressed for time, c&p can be your friend…used too much and you become a sprite comic…lol
One of these days, the economy will turn around, but until then, I need to go find some duct tape to shore up and waterproof the new cardboard box I got for the new wing on the dumpster;)
did you have a box-warming party yet? I’m sure, literally, you’d appreciate the “warming” part of it. I’ll buy you come curtains to spruce up the place.
Good luck with the job thing right now! I’m sure one of Z & F biggest questions they’ll get from their studies is why we let our economy go to hell. I’m sure it’s not this bad out on Mars right now! (Although, I do hear that Pluto has some financial troubles with their tourism industry.)
LOL, nice. Yeah, poor Pluto, and now they find out their not even a planet anymore!
Searching for a new day job myself, I can totally relate to this! Pretty sure I have more of a chance getting my comic to support me then actually find a new day job at this point.
it’s scary, but you may be onto something there… artists needs to utilize their talents to get by! webcomics takin’ over the WORLD!
You don’t have to rub it in on us cut and pasters. Remember it’s not that we are lazy, some of us just can’t draw worth diddley. I am actually a poet by nature but who reads poetry? Make it not rhyme, put pictures with it and it becomes a comic. At least you did go to the trouble of shading each panel differently. I would have never thought of that.
oooh- ho, yes. You are correct, for those who were not bestowed wth the drawing talent, you have to find new creative ways to tell a story- photos, 3D, sprite comics, and some can very well done! However, for those of us who CAN draw, I think it’s in our best interest to not take it for granted! Don’t think I copy-paste or black-out panels enough to be a “slacker”, at least not yet, heh.
Oh, this Z&F C&P TCB is gonna be the biggest scandal that rocked Webcomics since that time “Frumph” was used as a sound effect…
Love the strip today, Dawn! When I moved, I put out resumes prior to moving, and though I was a hot commodity in my old city, I suddenly was hearing nothing from no one… but then, 3-4 months later, I started hearing from people for interviews – and heard “we were in a hiring freeze” a few times. I hate jobs advertised that can’t be filled for months, but there is hope.
Been there Winnie. Go through 5 interviews for them to tell you that they are in a hiring freeze.
ugh. the “hiring freeze” is what I think is keeping my fiance from getting hired. His interviews go well, he gets calls back for further testing and other interviews, and then the company cuts communication. I dunno why you even bother with interviewing if you’re in a hiring freeze.
LOL, that was a good one, the “frumph” sound effect. hee hee.
Man, when the economy starts affecting aliens disguised as dogs, you know it’s officially hit everybody.
You got that right. Maybe they’ll all have to move into the doghouse.
Take your shortcuts where you can get ’em, D!
right on, man. Thanks!
LOL, he’s going to be waiting awhile! Nice comic.
Thanks Tony! I guess Zorphie will have to join the daytime TV gang now…
Ha, 9 resumes. In this economy, that’s like spending $0.24 on PW ads and sitting back and waiting for the tens of thousands of pageviews to roll in!
good metaphor. Speaking of, I need to give PW another arm and a leg, so I can get 10 more hits.
I gave up on PW earlier this year. Not worth the effort. Redesigning my site brought in more new readers then PW ever did.
Hell, copy and paste is why we do it digitally. If the scene doesn’t require a change in angle or whatever, then hell yes, I copy and paste. But, I will not copy and paste inking or shading. That may be stupid, but I think people can tell when it’s EXACTLY the same. What you did was more than fair game. So, don’t beat yourself up… that’s what WE’RE for…

I’m kind of debating whether to try google ads instead.. PW isn’t giving me the traffic it used to.
And, I totally copy-pasted the ink, shading, everything.. and then make changes where needed. Glad I get the Byron-approval tho.
I think it was the late Wally Wood who said, “Never draw what you can copy.” Words to live by.
and I shall. Sparingly, but yes…. thanks for the quote!
It IS nice to be able to copy and paste once in a while when you need to. Imagine when they had to do EVERYTHING manually. Yuck. LOL.
Even extraterrestrial smarts are no match for the addlepating power of human economics.
Great comic Dawn. As for Project wonderful I use both a few PW ads and some google. The google ads make a lot more money but Project wonderful helps pay for the PW ads I run which help bring in new readers.