First religion, now environmental issues, maybe next I should take on politics. Oh wait, I already drew Sarah Palin and Osama Bin Laden 3 years ago.
Guess what came in the mail today? Guess how YOU can be one of the first to get their hands on it too?
How old is the weird kid? 14? The top three interests for most 14 year old boys are girls, video games, and the noises of various gaseous emissions, and not always in that order. Everything else just lurks in a dull haze in the back of the mind. There are exceptions, of course, but using Willy the K as a primary source of info on the human race as a whole is a key reason they’ve been at this as long as they have.
Weird Kid is about 10, and yes… obviously no 10 years old (or 14 yr old for that matter) is going to care about “going green”. That’s probably the debate Z&F were having prior to this scene.
Ah. The way Fred emphasized certain words led me to infer that WK wasn’t part of the topic at hand until he happened to show up.
Ten, eh? Seems pretty normal for a ten-year-old, actually.
Hey, the future of our country looks pretty great to me. I love how he’s such an individual, wearing the snorkel in the rain is awesome. Don’t let life ever make you too serious kid, keep doing your thing and watch were you step.
I gave him a snorkel in the rain to further accentuate his “weirdness”, but honestly.. that’s just a funny creative “kid” thing to do!
I’m sure every other country must have a version of the weird kid somewhere, so maybe it will all even out…
heh, sounds like one of those existential questions… “I wonder, if somewhere out there, in a distant country… there’s another Weird Kid just like me…. living his life and eating glue proudly”
Pretty bright kid . . . when I was his age I would have said, “I stepped in a METAPHOR?!?”
LOL! true… “metaphor” is a tad advanced for a 10-year-old.. but maybe “weird” also implies “smart”. That’s my story & I’m sticking to it.
Ha! Actually, I was taking that as a given!
I have never stepped in a metaphor but I did accidentally trip over one once. It was almost as dangerous as a dangling participle and I had to run for my life.
I am doing my part to go green this summer. I have decided not to cut my grass. I am goin’ green and long.