Not a lot to say today. Dreamhost was giving me issues, and ended up moving to a new (faster) server… and I lost a bunch of settings and coding for the site. Sucks, but Mr. Frumph of was yet again kind enough to help me streamline the site so it’s runs faster . Like an oil change and tuneup, but you lost the radio knob, favorite coffee mug & some fuses were blown. Oh well. Hang in, the old will be up again.
Tall Tale Radio
The latest TTR podcast is up. Why does this matter? Oh, gee, because I’m in it. With my (our) buddy TL Collins of Bullfinch. This is must listen, if only for Tom Racine’s classic radio voice, mmmmmm.
Webcomics geniuses Dawn Griffin of “Zorphbert and Fred,” and T.L. Collins of “Bullfinch” join me in talking about their strips, their art, and their writing. Dawn and T.L. have very different approaches, but you’ll see that there are a ton of similarites between the 4-panel gag strip and the more comic-book inspired ones. We delve into philosophical discussions on writing and the nature of digital art, and overall just have a great time. (I would like to thank Dawn for being patient with me in pronouncing her last name “Griffith” for some reason. I had it written down right and everything…but she was too nice to point that out to me at the time! My apologies!) There aren’t many better wecomics out there than these two, so, be sure to check out their sites, and take a listen to the minds behind them.
Discussion (23) ¬
I hate that squirted in the eye feeling.
I could say something dirty here, but I shall refrain.
YEAHH!!! Faster load times.
there’s a silver lining!
Citrus is a very dangerous fruit indeed!
and grapefruit is the grenade launcher of the group.
I love Zorphie in the last panel. That “dead weight” lying position is great.
That was pretty fun to draw, heh
Congratulations on the Radio interview! If TL’s My Buddy, are you Kid Sister? I loved those as a kid…
I’ve had an “oh, my eye moment”… but I’m contractually obligated to not discuss it outside of Penthouse Forum…
*fears this is a G-rated forum*
oooh geez, you made me recall My Buddy? Now I even remember the commercial’s song. aak.
If you notice my reply to scott’s comment, you’ll see I had similar thoughts ;0)
It’s good to have you back at the wheel again Dawn. The contest was cool but I was beginning to jones for your shading techniques. Oh … and your site is a lot quicker by the way!
Thank you! Nice to know I am welcome back and non of my entrants showed me up, LOL. jk, guys… you all were great and granted me a much needed break!
Aaack!! I hate getting lemon-eyed.
And, wow! Your site just flew up on the screen this go ’round. Great job at streamlining!
Good to know this server move resulted in more than just headaches!
Or worse, finish squeezing a lemon and then rub your eye without thinking. Pain in the first degree. Which is why I order my tea minus the lemon. They are fun to squirt at other people though!
Yes, the site does snappy! Yeah
oh lord, I had a near-lemoned experience the other day.. stopped myself in time. Why does your eye hafta itch when you have hazardous liquids on your hands?
this is why i used to drink vodka straight up
*raises drink to that*
I stick to beer! It’s usually a safe bet, until they’re shaken up and explode when you open it! Doesn’t hurt quite as bad though if it gets in your eyes
well, Z&F discovered the fun of exploding soda cans in the past, I’m sure beer would be just as fun!
I wanna be a good artist like you when I grow up.
ah, the ever-too-humble Carlisle….