It’s all coming together.. or so it seems, anyway. heh.
I usually write every comic to be able to stand alone, meaning you do not have to read a previous comic to understand the joke. This one comes close, but to fully understand the aliens’ reaction in the last panel, be sure to read THIS comic in particular.
annnnnd, if you want to start from the beginning of this story to see what the frig is going on, head over HERE.
Aww, as someone who likes cooking I feel for her. Nobody likes that kind of reaction to hard work.
I’m no cook, but I can make some mean cookies. They do not contain wheat germ or soy. That’s WHY they’re “mean cookies”. :0)
Well, they colonized after all. The Bobcats must be their descendants, sort of a backwards Planet of the Apes scenario, instead of evolving and taking control they devolved and became part of the wild.
Gotta love the Spit Take, but a triple Spit Take…AWESOME!
I think you may be on to something there, Todd. *wink*
I am really curious to see where this is all heading. I figured you were going to bring in these nepitians(?) somehow after I read about their invasion previously. Good deal!
heh. “they’re heeeeeeeeeereee….”
but, ARE they?
I’m not sure which is more frightening, the Nepitians or those “cookies.”
Lets get onto the real plot development…
Fred, teach her how to make NON-wheat germ and NON-soy cookies.
How about ‘chocolate-sugar-high-double-choko-chocolate chip’ cookies?
So chocolately and delicious, even a diabetic would eat em.
*skuttles off to the grocery store, with $100*…