Meh, a classic joke about a one-player game. One-players games should never include someone watching… it’s like a back-seat driver.
Still re-cooping from the Philly Comic Con. Didja read the Recap, complete with pictures and tips & tricks? No? Why not check it out ;0)
I was watching one of the Marriage Ref episodes a while back and this very subject was on there. The wife love to play Solitaire on the Computer, but she also wanted her husband to sit there and watch her play so they would be “spending time together” and his response was like everyone else’s, the title is Solitaire for a reason, you play it in solitude, not with an on looker.
I love the frustration in Fred’s eyes and his expressions, especially panel 2 with him making hand signals and pointing to the card stack he wants Zorphbert to put his card on. I remember as a kid sitting across the table watching my mom play solitaire and I had the same expressions as Fred, just wanting to yell out, “No, no, that there, play it there!!!”
I TOTALLY saw the same episode, and while it was not a direct inspiration for this comic, it kept coming to mind while I was drawing it. That woman was CRAZY. But the guy was too.. wanting her to come watch him FISH. That’s just as dull and cruel.
It kinda sorta pertains to my life, though. Since I spend a lot of time drawing away on my tablet PC, I often feel bad that I don’t spend a lot of time with Rick. I have offered to “watch” a movie with him while I work. But I realized, as he was mentioning it, that I’m not so much “watching” as I’m “vaguely listening”. It’s not the same. To spend quality time together, you both have to be just as engaged.
Which is why that woman was CRAZY. I do enjoy that show tho.. can be pretty funny. Married couples ask the weirdest things of each other. One of the few shows I DVR.
I have a good old Pocket PC that has helped run my life for about 7 years now, but one of the best things about it is that it has a really nice version of Solitaire on it. I’m a wiz at it and can easily kill time at the oil change place or at a doctor’s appointment with that game.
I’m a lot like Fred when my youngest son starts to play it… “Not there! MOVE THE SEVEN!!” Yeah, it’s called Solitaire for a reason.
RE: Todd: Why a wife would want a husband to watch her play is beyond me… that’s actually very creepy and cruel to the husband. But, oh wait, being cruel to a husband is a woman’s job, I forgot.

(Oh, I’m gonna get smacked for that one…)
This is one of those crazy things about em.. but I don’t think I ever played a full game of solitaire. Ever. My parents are huge card game fans, they even met playing bridge.. and they play a game called “Nerts” that’s basically solitaire for 2. For me to never have played is kinda weird.
However, this is also one of those crazy things about me, but instead as a teen I created my own card game a little like solitaire… crossed with SPIT… and some new rules I made up. Called it Black Ace. If I remember correctly, the Aces had special properties…. the Black Ace ending the game.
and oh yeah, *smack*
I agree tho, creepy and cruel for sure!
There are certainly times when I’m playing Solitaire that I swear the other person is cheating… and by other person I mean Chance.
My adventures into Solitaire are always very brief … I can never resist the urge to build an amazing card castle … which then quickly turns into my picking cards off the floor and giving up on things entirely!
My wife hates when I watch her play Solitaire. I always have “suggestions”.