Ick. It’s been 6 years, I hope this isn’t the first time Fred washed that sock. Good to see Sproing again. I’d love to write him into a bigger storyline where his wires get crossed and he goes crazy or something. Like Buzz Lightyear in the last 2 Toy Story’s.
I think Fred’s just gonna have to learn to live with the fact that “Sock Tail” will never truly be safeguarded. You have to admire Fred’s tenacity to keep his sock tail clean, a lesser alien would not care so much.
He’s quite the sanitary, well-groomed alien-dog-cat.
I think Fred has to clean up his sock act!
Maybe with a sock puppet show?
My dog rips my socks right off my feet! ,,,I feel freds angst!
LOL! Socks are so hard to come by!