This was one of those comics that I “wrote” in advance… then ended disliking my original idea.. and left the last panel open for a while. I ended up with 3 options for Zorphie’s last line.. and went with this one. Because y’all are so special, here’s the other two:
uh,yeah… right. Because patience and attention span equals fun on this planet.
ha ha… right, Fred. The prize being a neatly colored cube and a migraine?!
Do you agree? Did I pick the best one?
Also, I give a bit of credit for this one to our new friend (and PWITM Contest winner) “Derelict”, who offered the rubix cube as a suggestion for the next game to analyze. Thanks man!
How many of us took the dang thing apart and put it back together to make it look like we solved it? Although, in reality, that was usually more work than actually solving it…lol
I’ll admit, I was thinking about doing that… but yeah, lotta work.
I don’t think I ever got the thing back the way it was originally. Ha! Funny stuff
thanks kind sir!
A company actually made new stickers you could put on to make the Cube solved. Those damn things were irritating. Especially when some brainac would go on TV and solve the thing in about 30 seconds. I stomped mine and put it in the garbage.

I have honestly never solved a Rubik’s Cube. I usually can get at most three or four sides matched and be boggled by the remaining sides. I would then strategically place the cube on a shelf in my office so it at least looked solved (unless someone touched it)
yeah, Byron, the level of annoyance with the rubix cube itself and the people who can do them in 30 secs is about tied.
Vince- HA! totally something I’d do as well. I tend to love puzzle games, but after 5 mins with “the cube” I knew it was damn near impossible.
Yes Dawn, you chose wisely, the line in the strip is the best of the three.
good to know you agree!
Ack! Credit!
*runs and hides behind a tree*
Yeah, good call on the last frame, Dawn. Rubix cubes are one of my mortal enemies as well, totally not worth the headache.
Addressing them with a comic strip, however, seems to be perfectly feasible means of conquest.
*chops down tree*
*points and yells “he’s over here!”*