I am still working out the kinks with pricing and how to paint them for the best results, but these resin models of Zorphbert and Fred should become available very soon at conventions! They are hand-painted by yours truly, and will be numbered as a collector’s item. They will go for $20 and come in a nifty little package.
I’m sure some of your fellow creators are wondering about how I managed to get these made. Well, as with many things for people just starting out, mass manufacturing is too much of a risk, and minimum quantities for custom items like this are hard to find. That’s where it’s nice to KNOW someone. A friend has gotten into making resin molds, and is helping me test the market for Z&F figurines. He did an awesome job molding Z&F just from this picture, don’t you think???
Discussion (16) ¬
They look fantastic! I want the first one
I may keep the first one all for ME, so there!
Holy Shazbot those are Awesome!
thank you! Now I want a Shazbot tho. Not even sure what it is, but I want it.
Tremendous, Dawn! It’s mad awesome to see Z&F in three dimensions! I want one of these!
Thanks Mark! I do hope to be able to one day offer these in the store, and ship them as needed. I’d be so worried about packaging them securely enough! They are pretty solid… but still..
Do not ship them UPS. My wife ships her pottery exclusively with Fed Ex Ground. Not only do they do a better job, but if something is damaged, the take care of it immediately.
thanks for the tip Byron!!! Good thought, if I do starting mass producing and shipping. whew, that’s a lotta paintin’!
Stand in line…I said I wanted one long ago. ( That’s my story and I’m sticking to it)
that’s right, you did put dibs on one on twitter a day or so ago, LOL. Problem is, I’m not sure if I can offer yet in the store, just due to the amount of time it takes to paint just ONE of these suckers. For now, it’s first come, first serve, at conventions!
Dawn, chat with me. My wife has had some of her pottery stuff bulk made from molds and it’s not that bad to have done. I can point you in the right direction. Painting is always a bitch.
Well done!
Well, lookie… it works! Maybe it WAS just me?!?
Dawn, if there is any way it can be hung on my christmas tree, I want one. One of the tree’s our house has only handmade or gifted ornaments on it and this would make a great addition… I’d hang it right next to Brian from Family Guy and one of my late pug Choti! [really]
That is just too daggone cool!
Hey hire local kids/teens to paint the large colours and you finish the details. That would free up some time for ya.
Well done with these, Dawn! Best of luck!