Have to admit, that would get old pretty fast. Only ONE MORE STRIP until I take my hiatus. A special wedding break blog post coming up soon, keep your eyes out.
Until then… I have:
Big Big Big News!
I am SUPER excited to announce the launch of Webcomic Alliance: Your Worksource for Digital Comics! It’s a website full of free tutorials, article, tips & tricks, ANNNNND an informative and fun podcast that tackles four typical issues in the webcomics industry, in each and every episode! For all you Z&F readers who have a comic yourself, or ever thought about starting your OWN comic… this is your resource!
It’s been in the works for months now; started by Byron Wilkins of 1977 The Comic, and with the help of good friends Ken Drab of Rick the Stick, Antoine Gagnon of The Drunken Fools, and Kurt Sasso of TGT Webcomics, we have finally launched the website! Already there’s a lot of content to sort through, as well as Webcomics Workshop Podcast #1 to listen to, so get over there and check it OUT!
Some of my work on “The Alliance” thus far:
i dunno. the mood i generaly roll through would produce a large number of people who can kiss it
Kiss it is one thing. Up it is another.
either way, WAY too close to a smelly region. No thanks, I’ll shake hands to greet others. Yay for being HUMAN!
Wow, did not expect that last panel. Talk about getting up close and personal, that little dog definitely got a bit of a surprise there. Those must be some great costumes, very detailed, for the dogs at the dog park to accept them after a sniff back there.
Thank goodness people aren’t like dogs in that nature. To an extent though we are, we treat/feel differently about people if an aroma about them is pleasing versus B.O. Thankfully though, we just greet with a hand shake or a fist bump (Howie Mandell) and not a good ‘ole sniff. But just like dogs we do remember people and places by what we smell…I’m just glad I’m able to associate my grandpa with the smell of Old Spice and no the smell of what he had for supper last night making it’s way south….though there were plenty of those scents as well.
interesting thought, Todd… and to think the Japanese bow because shaking hands seems unsanitary! They must be horrified with gods over there. Or, their dogs have evolved past this behavior over there, heh
Dog parks always make me nervous. All that sniffing and posturing .One wrong move or sniff and the FANGS come out. Dogs do what they want to do …….I envy them for that.
I envy my dog too.. when she’s lying in the sun and NOT working a day job. But then I see what she eats, and I’m happy to be human again.
I don’t believe I would like that much either.
It’s a tad awkward ;0)