Everyone, a round of a applause for James Zintel, an old buddy of mine who always brings the funny. In fact, he’s a past winner of PWITM, years ago in one of the first ever contests! I enjoyed Zorphbert’s line about the energy crisis, but Fred saying he could “see through time” cracked me up! Not sure if that’s a quote from a movie, an old saying, or if James just made it up.. but either way…. the icing on the cake! Thanks to everyone for playing, and thanks James, for your excellent entry! Congrats!!!
Maybe James had a slight advantage… after all, he writes for his OWN alien- Gary, of Gary and Ted! If you have not read this strip, you are truly missing out… it has some of the wackiest spew-coffee-at-your-computer-screen humor… time after time I am amazed at the things James comes up for his alien character to do or say. One of those off-the-wall golden gems online, go read it already!
Hahaha, good stuff! Your friend came up with a good line there…
I guess now I have to conduct myself with a certain dignity and grace.
Good one
Dawn, just an FYI, Toaster is coming soon! http://www.burnttoaster.com. Newest comic venture since The Frustrated Cartoonist went extinct
Dig the coloring. Nice.
That caption is fantastic!
Nice work!
Congratulations James, you definitely brought the funny.
Hahaha!!! Great one! Congrats!!!
I’ve actually vibrated through walls on Mountain Dew, so if we line up a ton of teenagers and give them each a tallboy of Jolt or AMP, we’d power the freakin’ world.
Great line!
That’s a great caption for it
I can see through time
love it congrats
“I can see through TIME!”
Epic. Just plain epic.
actually that brings back the old flash traveling through time on a treadmill gag