Oh goodie! It’s time again for another “Put Words in Their Mouths” Caption Contest! What brand of soda is Zorphbert modeling here, that lead to such shenanigans in the background? If you ever had an inkling to come up with a marketing tagline for a caffeine-laced soda brand, now’s the time!
Basic Rules:
1. Remember this is a kid-friendly site, okay?
2. You can post up to 3 entries. Separate comments, please.
3. The bubble sizes are negotiable. Just post your best entry, I’ll figure it out ;0)
4. If you think up an additional bubble for Fred or Nettika, just add it on! I can squeeze it in.
Wow. I’ll bet it’s even better once you DRINK it!
Dawn, now you’re gonna make me think? Hahaha.
Z: How did something as tranquil as mountain dew cause this?
F: Cant… stop… running…
It’s Wonder Water! You drink it and wonder what happened!
Alien Sweet! (with the a crossed out and the e written above it) – Fellow humans, electrolytes are lost everyday. Help save them by drinking our homemade product. Now with more-less sugar.
Is your pet lethargic? Perk them up and get them running out the door with G.O.* Juice! It’s a kick in the behind! Patent Pending
(*get out)
Zorphie Mays here for Runaway. Dog not active? Cat napping too long? Give them a shot of this and they will be fighting for that exercise wheel. Order today!
And you thought Jolt Cola wasn’t available anymore.
Z: Kids, don’t Jolt and Drive.
Z -“To think that these Earthlings had the solution to their energy crisis all along,”
F – “I can see though time!”
Zorphbert- Boy! It’s amazing that the humans have a fuel that can power an entire starjumper! And to think that they actually drink this stuff!
Nettika- Z-Z-Zorph-b-b-ert……stop this crazy thing!
z- Time to refuel the lights are starting to dim.
Wow! According to physics, Fred must be running backwards!
Z: And that kids, is why you never feed a Fred Monster.
Z: okay, so I shouldn’t have let Fred test something named “Sgt. Slaughter’s Atomic Taurine Tonic….”
I’ve discovered the source of perpetual energy in this little bottle here!
When Jolt Cola and Mt. Dew are combined it creates “Jolt the Dew”. The 300% Caffeine intake creates a new perpetual energy source….YOU!
Zorphbert: Finally, a way to keep Fred and Nettika busy and myself entertained. If only I had discovered this sooner.
Z:Well, the manual said clearly:”Suit´s overheating due to lax of physical activity. Bubbles are preventing overheating.” I don´t suppose it works…
F:Forget the MANUALS!!!
Blorg Cola! When you need that quick refreshing pick-me-up, after just one you’ll be so energetic you won’t know if you’re coming or going.
Z: Another foolish human beverage to log. Even after ten of these, it has not yet given Fred wings.
jolt cola! it can give you the runs too!! (nekita- jane!! stop this crazy thing!!”