So, what does Zorphbert & Fred say here? Just post your caption entry in a comment below! You will have until Thursday 8pm EST to post your entry. I will reveal the winner on Friday!
Basic Rules:
1. Remember this is a kid-friendly site, okay?
2. You can post up to 3 entries. Separate comments, please.
3. The bubble sizes and order of the bubbles are negotiable. Just post your best entry, I’ll figure it out ;0)
4. Make sure you notetate which character is saying what.
5. WINNER GETS CHOICE OF FANART OR A CARICATURE FROM ME! (wouldn’t a caricature of a favorite musician or athlete be a great Christmas gift for someone you know?)
Swing by Wednesday for a brand new Clipart FAIL. Always a good time.
Fred: See, Zorphbert, I decorated the tree!
Zorphbert: You are a blinking idiot, Fred!
Fred: Look Zorpie, it’s all decorated!
Zorphbert: Ummm .. I think you missed getting two bulbs into the big knot.
Fred: Look! I decorated the house.
Zorphber: Yeah and it looks like you had a ball doing it.
Fred: Look Zorphie, I put up the lights all by myself.
Zorphbert: I wouldn’t be too proud of that if I were you. Looks like a Christmas tree pooped on the house.
Fred: Whatdaya think?
Zorphbert: I take it that’s not it’s real hair.
Fred: I decorated it all by my self!
Zorphbert: Yea, that should appear in “Battered Homes and Garbage.”
Fred: Now Santa can’t miss it!
Zorphbert: You couldn’t untangle ’em either, huh?
Fred: See Great Santor will surely come!
Zorphbert: The Great Santor doesn’t come to this Galaxy
Fred: Anettik helped put up the lights, see?
Zorphbert: She could of placed the lights instead of playing with them.
Fred: BEHOLD! My festive Christmas decorations!
Zorphbert: Yeah, about that. Rudolph called… He wants his small intestines back.
hehe this is quite funny
Fred: “?”
Zorph: “…”
Sorry, not feeling very clever today…I should go now.
F: There. All finished.
Z: I wonder why humans act like decorating is so hard.
But I had to laugh at Dada’s entry.
BTW…who won the last contest??
Tom Racine did! Check out his prize here:
Nice…somehow I missed that.
Fred: TA -DA!
Zorphbert: Brilliant. When that decorative electricity sets the house on fire, we’ll finally be warm.
awesome guys! Keep ’em coming! Great turn out so far ;0)
F: Check it out, a Sorflax on a hot tin roof.
Z: My Mother looks NOTHING like that.
F: Eh? Yes??
Z: Do you see Nettika laughing? You have given her the joy of Christmas.
Fred: I decorated myself!
Zorphbert: Really? You actually feel a need to point out that you did it yourself?
Fred- Look Zorphy! I put up the Christmas lights like you asked!
Zorphbert- ….that’s not what I meant Fred. When I said UP, I meant around the house.
Fred- Hey Zorphy! I got the lights up! Can we get some of that sparkly garland to go with it?
Zorphbert- No. By the looks of it, you’ll just get hopelessly trapped if you put that up too.
F: Did I get it right?
Z: We’re Jewish
Fred: It’s so much EASIER this wasy.
Zorphbert: That philosophy may explain your body’s lack of gym time…
F: I call it the CHRISTMAS BUSH!
Z: I call it a tangled mess. You know you could have asked for…oh, forget it.
F: We should put the tree where Santa can see it!
Z: Some poor excuse for a sapling is holding up that knot? Charlie Brown would be proud.
F: Look, isn’t it just like snoopy’s dog house from the video we watched Zorphy?
Z: If you mean that it’s a dog pile, sure.
F: Look what I did.
Z: Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s unique.
F: Our tree is finally decorated
Z: It’s our house, not a tree, you chucklebrain.
F: Look! I caught their leader and tied him up in Christmas lights!
Z: Snoopy is NOT their leader!
FRED: I heard the Male owner say he loved spending 3 hours untangling the Christmas lights. So I tangled them up twice as bad. He’s gonna be sooo happy.
Zorphbert: Sarcasm still escapes you doesn’t it Fred?
This one is my favorite so fare
I havent gotten any idea myself yet 
Fred: I’m hoping they can see these from our home planet!
Zorphbert: In that case, I’m changing my current disguise – nothing says home planet fashion like Ugg Boots.
F: I call it “Welcome Santa!”
Z: I hate modern art…
F: Look, I put up a Nativity scene.
Z: I think you’ve got the Three Wise Men a bit too close to the manger.
F: I found this brain in the garage and look! It lights up!
Z: Yes, unlike yours apparently.
I don’t know if this is “kid friendly” enough but here goes:
F: Our next door neighbor, Snoop Dog, was kind enough to help me decorate our house this year.
Z: THAT explains what I’ve been smelling…
Okay, I’ll give it the old 70s try…
Fred: “I call it ‘Electric Yarn Ball’!”
Zorph: “You’ve been standing too close to the microwave, haven’t you?”
F: I only used 36 nails & 210 staples !
Z: Great…By the way, you’re off present wrapping duty.
My third & Final oh & yes its religious
F: See Zorph it’s another sign
Z: Fred enough already Just because your clumsy with a hammer & nails doesn’t make your paw wound Stigmata.
F: …And it only took me five minutes.
Z: Great, but the star is crooked