Hope you all had a happy Easter… if you were as lucky as we were weather-wise, it was hard to NOT have a wonderful day. That said, what better follows Easter than MORE Sheen insanity? I know, I know… you’re just as sick of Charlie as I am, probably. Time to let him have it, in this “Put Words in Their Mouths” caption contest! What idiotic thing does Charlie say now? (It does not have to be an actual quote, unless you want it to be!) And just how to Z&F react?

Read my original HERE. Think you could do better? Re-write it your own way!

The Prize?

The entrant with the best/funniest/most fitting script (and I’m the judge!) receives:

  1. A signed copy of the CON-EXCLUSIVE  Zorphbert & Fred mini book (you can’t order this online.. you have to find ME at a convention!)
  2. A pack of Z&F buttons ($3 only at conventions!)
  3. A “space invaders” necklace / signed print combo pack!

Okay, now some Rules:

1. Remember this is a kid-friendly site, okay?

2. You can post up to 3 entries. Separate comments, please. Only way to enter is via the comments.

3. My balloons are just suggestions for the script. The number of balloons and what character is speaking in each panel is up to you. Make sure you notate which character is saying what. I’ll take care of laying it out.

4. The previous winner is invited to play, but is ultimately ineligible this round (sorry!)

*the previous winner is Dan Dreibelbis. Sorry Dan! Feel free to play, but I can’t select yours!

Due date is this Thursday, by 8pm EST. The winner will be announced on Friday! Now, get to it guys!