This one’s for you boys out there. You can thank me later, y’know, after you wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Contest time! What’s Zorphbert’s response this this situation? Leave it in a comment below.
Let’s review the rules and such:
1. Remember this is a kid-friendly site, okay?
2. You can post up to 3 entries. Separate comments, please.
3. The bubble sizes are negotiable. Just post your best entry, I’ll figure it out ;0)
4. Make sure you notetate which character is saying what. (if more than 1)
5. WINNER GETS FREE FANART FROM ME! (if you do not have a comic, I can whip up a caricature)
Right, how are we going to fit them all in our swag bag?
I’m rethinking this whole Dog disguise!
The one on the end has nothing on the real Leia.
“Come and take your picture with the real actor who played Michelangelo in all TMNT movies”
“i gues this is the best we can hope for since someone sanitized the domo exihibt”
Looks like the Weird Kid just crossed off 3 things on his Bucket List at one time.
Should we tell him that two of them arent accually women?
“According to my readings, our weird kid’s brain is about to explode”
“Next we’ll go to… (sigh) Fred, I think our adolecent human just reached puberty.”
“I think we just discovered the true meaning of trifecta…”
“Turtle Power.”
“So I guess Kermit had it wrong. It apparently IS easy being green after all.”
“According to my calculations, the odds of him actually dating a woman like this are…well, let’s just say we’ll see Stephen Hawking on “Dancing With the Stars” first.”
500 Geeks. 3 Hot Women. You do the math.
Next time we need disguises we’re going as turtles.
“According to my calculations, there now is a 42.75% chance of a a Boob-quake occurring in this very vicinity…”
“Four people posing for a photo… the weird kid is the only one in tights.”
“I sure hope those are mutagen stains on his pants…”
Okay, that was a little too much.
EDIT: “The weird kid is posing with three girls… and HE’S the one in tights.”
1. Peter Brady is coming, hurry take the picture!
These are terrific guys! keep ’em up!
Just what goes on in that Krang of his?
Wait a minute….I don’t see “Hormonal Brain Meltdown” anywhere on the itinerary.
“…Ok, after “Fantasy Inducing Photo Op,” we have a 20-minute discussion on why the Ewoks suck over on aisle 502, then it’s off to the Temple of Joss Whedon to offer a ritual sacrifice.”
I knew something bad was going to happen when my bacon started to fly away.
Eh. I was having more fun at booth WCK.

ha ha, very clever, and thanks!
“…Did he just say ‘Cowabunga’?”
They must not know his best friend is a giant rat.
“Fascinating. Humans taking pictures of other humans dressed up as other humans creations”
“… Why are they taking pictures while we hold this ‘bag of swag’?”
According to my Calculations… The wierd kid is going to hit Puberty in 5…4…3…2…