Congrats to Chris Otto of A Dogs Life for submitting a great entry and winning a BRAND NEW Abby’s Adventures “Christmas Carol” kids book! Chris, I’ll be contacting you soon.
Obviously, no one nailed my take on the idea, but I felt Chris’ entry was closest to it, in the “non-cold-relief-item-being-used-for-cold-relief” concept, plus the very “Weird-Kid” pastime of abusing school supplies in ways they’re not intended for, LOL. Whether it be Elmer’s Glue (as Zerowolf’s entry states), or markers, we all knew (or were) a Weird Kid in class who had an usual stash!
I also enjoyed Todd’s take on the Neti Pot….. it was just as gross-out humorous as a recent comic involving piles of snotty tissues. However, I had to pick Chris’ as it’s got that perfect “Weird-Kid” idiosyncrasy… even moreso than, say, ice cream *cough cough*
Thanks to everyone for playing and I hope your Thanksgiving was warm, safe, and FILLING!
Discussion (8) ¬
Absolutely hilareous, Chris and Dawn. I love em both.
Yay to Chris for winning.
Thanks, Samwise
Thanks Dawn! I thought it fit pretty good into Weird Kid’s persona. I was kicked out of art class in 8th grade for huffing rubber cement, and I think I enjoy coloring sketches at cons because my Prismacolors are pretty dang pungent. And of course, as with ice pops and pixie sticks, blue is the best flavor.
I love the double fisted marker sniffing, great job!
Congrats Chris! You have something on your nose.
Hehe… even better than Elmer’s Glue as comfort food.
Of all times for my computer to be in the shop it had to be during a caption contest! I hate to think if I missed any more caption contests. For what it’s worth, my entry would have had Weird Kid holding a vacuum cleaner up to his nose and saying “Push the button.” Then Fred would ask “Blow or suck?”. Oddly enough, what I ACTUALLY do to clear my head when I have throat and sinus issues is use another food product. I eat a tablespoon of wasabi or horseradish. Then after nearly a minute of suffering and feeling that my nose and throat are on fire, my nose and throat are all cleared up.
Funny thing is that I had a Blueberry marker that I smelled constantly when I was a kid….ah…memories….uh…who are you?!?!?! ha!