I actually attempted a new method with this update. Usually I add the grays in Illustrator using the live paint tool. Just click-click-click away and fill the white spaces, after sectioning off the areas where I want shadows, etc. Thing is, with small areas like the zippers, it gets annoying. This time I tried the good old-fashioned way of coloring “normally” (on my Tablet PC with the wacom-integrated pen… “normally”) on a layer underneath the layer with the lineart. It was more fun, slightly faster. A little looser, too. What do you guys think? Didja even notice? Maybe I’m a little full of myself thinking my readers would pick up on something so minuscule… LOL.
Heard of webcomicplanet.com? Well, I’m a member! Go join, my buddy and WordPress God “frumph” is the mastermind behind new community, so ya know it’ll be kick-arse.
Love the strip, but I have to confess I missed the switch in technique. It’s 4:24am, that’s my excuse.
The new technique looks good. I may not have noticed if you hadn’t have pointed it out, but if it’s easier and quicker for ya, I say keep it up! Nice strip today; can’t wait to see the moat.
lempki: good enough excuse for me. It’s really not that big of a difference.
george: ha, thanks! Glad you’re on board with my slight alteration, I’ll keep testing it out. I wonder where Z&F will find sharks during the winter for their moat…
Looking good. The little extra highlights on Fred is a nice touch.
I like the little touches too. The new site is great too. Thanks for adding me to your links. I’ll return the favor tonight, sistah!
You are really good. My four year old was sitting on my lap, while I was reading this strip and she said, “those are aliens”.
tpiro: ah, great! Thanks for noticing the little stuff ;0)
wit: Pinkerton is the shiznit, man… everyone go read it!!! Thanks, glad to see you here!
Carlisle: ha ha, really? Well, if a 4-year-old knows what’s up, I must be doing sumthin right! Kudos to your kid.
Haha! Love the way Zorphie’s eyes pop out of his head!