I am back from my hiatus! Thanks to all who have faithfully hung in and returned for more Z&F goodness. After a week of having absolutely no contact with the webcomic world (you may have noticed I didn’t even leave comments on my fav webcomics either), I have learned that I need to be involved with this community and have this be a main part of my life. I need the creative outlet and a “project” to focus on. I am just kinda boring (and bored!) without it.
For those who are curious, Rick is still on the job hunt and has had a slew of interviews.. unfortunately, the pay or position isn’t always what he wants or needs. But you never know what will come of one interview– it can lead to another opportunity! So I figure every time he can network with another company/P.R. Manager a plus. We’re hanging in, we have some more time before we need to make some serious decisions…. like having our dog pass out his resumes, for example. I hear it’s “frowned upon”. ;0)
i dunno, i’d hire the dog
That’s just made me extremely hungry… it does work!
Hey, this works for me.
Sadly, yelling about free food would get me out of line for 1 Million Dollars!
so… you guys agree that we think with our stomachs… ;0)
I’d be running quickly as well! Free pizza or free beer always gets me moving!
Hahaha! That trick works every time. I recall getting a haircut in college when someone notified us that there was free food to be had. I ran off with half an afro, trailing hair, not caring how odd I looked, just for some free grub.
I woulda paid to see that! Nothing more intriguing than free food… you tend to ignore the quality if it’s free.
Assuming the dog could find it’s way unaccompanied to the 10th floor and then to the office of the hiring manager with a manila envelop in his mouth holding the resume. I think it would work.
Nooooooo problem! lol
hey dawn, tossed you a cameo here http://www.grin-n-spirit.com/hardgrin556.html
That’s awesome! Thank you so much, mind if I post it here for a “Fanart Friday”? (I know it’s a cameo, but it deserves some link-love)
One major problem. They could be trapped in the building with an angry crowd who finds there is no pizza in the breakroom. I know I’d be mad.
very true… good thing they have the handheld teleporter thingamjig. They need to get that device used in Man in Black…
I’m with Tom Dell’Aringa: Now I’m hungry, too.
This has been the smartest part of Z&F’s plan so far.
yeah, for a “superior” species and all, they make some dumb decisions. chalk it up to a learning curve. Thanks for commenting, now get on that phone and order in some pizza.
Yeah. I wanna work there.