Hope everyone had a safe and happy new years. I sure did, hot roasted turkey sandwiches and a Rose Bowl win by the Ohio State Buckeyes! 2010 will be a big year for me: my first con where I’ll be at a table in April, the first Z&F book will be launched, the Abby books will keep rolling, and on November 6th, I’ll be a married woman!
What does 2010 have in store for you?
A new book, a new spouse AAAAAND a hot roasted turkey sandwich? Life has been good to you.
Thanks! STILL living off the turkey sandwiches, heh.
woooo! Looks like you have a full plate of sammiches for 2010! Let’s hope 2010 is good to all of us! Lord knows I could use it…lol
I concur, friend! Here’s to a swell 2010.
Wow, LOTS going on your way! Congrats to you! On my end, I’m looking at a couple of cons (for the first time as well), a 2nd book and hopefully getting my degree. What con are you going to be at? I know we had talked about them before. Hit me up through the email on my site when you get a minute. I’m thinking of the Philly one in June.
You and I will both be busy! I didn’t even realize (or had forgotten) that you had a book 1! Awesomeness! I’ll be in touch about the Philly con, I usually at least attend the Wizard World here… but this year I should get a table!
I like your 2010 – Congratulations on everything you have lined up.
I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but the things I’m expecting in 2010 and what might actually go down are likely different,as I’ve found nothing is for certain with me. I just don’t want to get my hopes up!
ha, I like my 2010, too.. just hope I can make it until 2011!
Best wishes for your expectations, all you can do is be positive!
Yay for book! I can’t wait to see it! And soon to be more congrats!
Thanks! ;0)
Congratulations on your 09 and what you have going down in 2010.
I look forward to another great year, gettin’ up everyday and livin’ each one of them. Life is so good that I feel sorry for anybody that ain’t me.
well now, don’t go gettin’ all gloom-and-doom on me, LOL! I’d love to have your outlook on life, I’m just trying to scrape by.. doing what I love balanced with doin’ what I HAVE to.
Oooh Exciting! My first con was last year. So I know your excitement! I got the second one coming up at the end of April. I’m super excited but I’m starting to have anxiety dreams already becasue I’m working on my first Volume now and my biggest fear is something going wrong along the way and not getting it done in time!
And the wedding to boot. Good lawd! I get stressed for you. I had a very very small and simple wedding but when I was done I decided it was nothing I ever wanted to go through again LOL
Good luck with ti all!
OOOOhooo, I know those anxiety dreams Irma! This is my first book, and I gotta get it done by April! Chugging along on it, but I know nothing is in stone until I get that first proof! *gulp* Good luck to you, but I’ll bet you don’t even need luck ;0)
As for the wedding, it was supposed to be a small simple wedding, but these things always get blown out of proportion. At least I love the venue we found- an old mansion buried in a park that resembles a castle! So cool!
Thanks, I hope I have luck on my side this year!
Late October/Early November… good time to get married. Just make sure the best man doesn’t lose the ring (yes, I’m speaking from experience here.)
wonderful as always dawn!
Congrats on getting hitched are the humans in the strip going to tie the knot as well?
Are Zorphbert and Fred invited to your wedding?
You’ve really been moving ahead, congratulations! I’m just hoping that we bottomed out in 2009, ’cause anything else is going to be to grim to handle.