Hey all. Sorry, I’m going to have to return to B&W for a while… all because of this:
(click to go to the site I created)
I mentioned it before, but I illustrated a kid’s book that finally was picked up by a publisher, who wants a whole series! So, I am trying to split my time between Z&F, Abby’s Adventures, the Cavs playoffs, and wedding planning. Needless to say, I am exhausted. And starting to become immune to coffee.
I am trying to stick to my Ustream Z&F show schedule of every Tuesday at 8pm, but tonight may or may not work out. I’ll be at my parents watching the Cavs game (also starting at 8pm), and working.. so we shall see if I can “go live” for a portion of the evening. Probably no audio commentary this time around.
I knew it was aliens!
NO! you cant become imune to coffee. man that would end civilization faster than swine flu ever dreamed of
WTF! Oh man, thats what happened! Btw, its good to see that the weird kid is in the strip. MY VOTE COUNTED!
I noticed the weird kid took a decent lead in the polls, heh. Thanks for voting!
Ahh so pig elixer explains a lot. still cool shading!
Cool site for Abby’s Adventures too. Need me some grand babies… or not! Thanks.
don’t worry, it won’t look weird for a dude to own a copy of Abby’s Adventures, with no 6-year-old girls in close proximity. LOL!
That 3rd panel is priceless, I love guilty eyes!
Ahh, Z$F, that’s so messed up.
“Worst two weeks of my life” has got me cryin’ laffing.
There’s a source for everything
…. and sometimes it involves aliens! LOL, thanks for checking out Z&F!
That’s wonderful, Dawn – a fantastic accomplishment, something I’ve wanted to try for a long time. Congratulations on having something even considered by a publisher, much less published AND an entire series requested. Having munchkins of my own, I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for Abby’s Adventures. Wedding planning, eh – was that the catalyst for your last storyline (if you already said it was, I apologize for being late on the bandwagon)?
Thanks Winnie! You always leave the bestest comments! Yeah, wedding planning has become another thing that has made my tomboy tendencies glaringly obvious… the fact that I’m wearing a pantsuit has shocked quite a few. Just wish I was rich and could have someone else just plan it for me.
You’re wearing a pantsuit? Did you ever know that you’re my heeee-rooooo! You’re everything I would like toooo beee! *Dawn runs before she gets “Single White Femaled”*
Seriously, that’s awesome! Good luck with the planning. I was one of those “small wedding, big party-like reception” people, because I’m a cheapskate/wanted the emphasis on everyone having fun (though there are a couple of things that I missed out on that you do in a traditional ceremony). Will you post any pictures afterwards? I’d love to see what that pantsuit looks like (if that’s not too much to ask). I’m glad you are wearing what you truly want to, and not letting society dictate it for you.
I’m non-traditional in that I would be happy with a cracker-jack ring (I’m serious – not just saying that) and my favorite color is green, so I was really happy when I was proposed to with an emerald ring that didn’t put my husband into debt for 20 years. Nothing against the ladies who love the big, sparkly rocks, it’s just not for me and I’m not a diamond girl.
Heya Winnie;
You sound exactly like me! Thanks for the… uh.. serenade, LOL. I told my fiance if he ever bought me an engagement ring, to not go overboard price-wise. I didn’t want to insult him, I know he really wanted to buy me a ring, and it’s the thought that counts. Didn’t want to deny him that. So, I do have a pretty ring (the guy’s got good taste!) that people gush over, still getting used to wearing it. Emerald is a great idea, especially with it being your favorite color! Wish I had thought of that, heh.
The big day isn’t until late 2010, plenty of time to be a slacker with the planning. Let’s see if this works, here’s an “inspirational” photo I found online for what I’d wear:
But trust me, going with a pantsuit causes big time drama… you wouldn’t think it’s such a big deal, after all it is my wedding, but some people think it’s like wearing a clown suit or something- a BIG no-no! When I say I’m not wearing a dress, the first response is usually, “so, what then.. sweatpants?” Yes, because there is obviously nothing in between. LOL!
Just truing to get through it alive!
That is gorgeous! Thanks so much for posting. I actually came back and stalked, er, saw this post the other day, but had to run before I could comment.
That sweatpants comment, though funny if not said in a condescending way, is jacked up! Yeah, the “go big or go home” wedding mantra or the “every girl wants ________” (Snob to English translation: “every girl SHOULD want”) is annoying. Extravagant gowns (your pantsuit is up there in the category of amazing – don’t get me wrong) and traditional themes and situations for the sake of being traditional are not bad or “snobby”, but they’re also not me. If it’s supposed to be each girl’s “day”, let it be truly HERS.
*puts Tiara on, raises chin, and walks on to most recent Z&F strip*
LOL, Hi again Winnie. Trust me, I love your responses… it’s nice to bond with another non-traditional gal who understands (even if this has nothing to do with Z&F). Everyone tells me the same thing: “Do it YOUR way, ignore the hecklers…”. Nice idea, but if you want to maintain a friendly relationship with the fam… very hard to do. It’s hard to be a bride when, A: you’re a people-pleaser by nature, and B: you don’t like the spotlight, especially when it has to do with your appearance more than anything.
Thanks again!
Yeah, this is quite a bit off topic (and still I’m back for more) – but you know I love your comic, too! I also try to be a people-pleaser, but occasionally, you almost have to force yourself to put you first. I say that because there’s always that chance you’ll get fed up all at once by something (see – you didn’t know I was going to launch my “Winnie Presents: Scared Selfish” program right here on your site) or someone and instead of it being a small thing, you kind of pull a Willow from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and start flaying people…
Okay, so not anything that bad, but sometimes the selfless miss out on things (not that we aren’t happy giving all of ourselves in the first place – I am, but I’ve long since learned it can be dangerous) that they “deserve” and have every right to in order to keep others happy. And who knows, you might start a trend once people see you walking down the aisle in your beautiful creation. I’ve never seen a bride I didn’t find absolutely beautiful (I go from a tomboy to a hot, sobbing mess in 0-5 seconds when I see my friend or family member come down the aisle to get married), and I hope people will be 100% happy for you on YOUR day. Except for that really, really traditional Aunt that thinks anything else is worthy of a Hindenburg style “Oh the Humanity”!
Those wousy wascals.
(OO) I thought the strain of flu was way to complex for pigs to figure out!!! Had to be aliens!!!!
Wish you great success with the Abby book!!!
Your shading is so awesome, your strips look just as good in B&W as they do in color. Oh and great work on Abby’s Adventures by the way. I just spent the last 20 minutes playing tic-tac-toe!
LOL, seriously? Didja win, at least? That cutie Camo the Cat can be pretty feisty!
Ahh I somehow missed this when it posted! I love the color version but the B&W version is still really awesome. Congrats on getting picked up by the publisher.
At last i figured out how to comment here great stuff. Good luck to your cavs I got 20 on them to win the 1st game but I had to give 4 points.