I had to do some research on Batman’s utility belt, and what goodies it came with, for this one. Wikipedia has a page for everything.
I had to do some research on Batman’s utility belt, and what goodies it came with, for this one. Wikipedia has a page for everything.
i always loved the bat shark repelent. carried it over into the weapons that ghost whips out, like the nun gun mark 1
Batman’s belt is much like Zorphie’s collar– a way for the writer to get oneself out of the corner he/she wrote oneself into.
In this case, I am making fun of that.
Awesome collar! That ‘s got to come in handy, uh usually…
ha, see my comment above. comes in handy in more than one way.
I love that Nettika’s eating the carrot. Hehe!
thanks, threw that in at the last minute… an afterthought ;0)
Forgetting the right utility comic – sheesh! For shame…
it’s a common issue in alien-dom.
“Holy Big Fat Loser”… I must’ve missed the “Robin starts getting snippity episode of “Batman”…
Love the idea of the collars, and that they switch them out. My collar would shoot out hot sauce, play Ray Parker Jr’s “Ghostbusters”, and have one of those big ribbon cutting knives…
you and the word “snippy”. I love it, gonna have to use that word in a comic. That is also one amazing collar idea, you should patent it!
You should hurry up and patent the Carrot-o-matic before somebody steals the idea!
I’ll ask Winnie to do that, with her utility collar idea.
With all those gadgets, I’m pretty sure Batman has other utility belts too… and I’m sure he sometimes picks up the wrong one.
it happens a lot in this field…
Yes, where does Batman hide all those HUGE grappling guns & the like when he sits in the Batmobile… that’s gonna leave a mark or two! This was especially true with the Keaton Batman… huge accessories just behind him. Must have taken lessons from the Looney Tunes gang…
Nice one! Collar will be a great on-going device. Always the wrong one for the job at hand… cool! You must be a professional…

LOL, why thank you! I love the lack of all things logical, reasonable and withstanding the laws of physics in cartoons and comics. That’s what makes them the great escape. We know the grappling hook cannot fit in his collar, duh.. but we could care less. It’s friggin’ cool!
You just need to utter the proper phrase: “Go-Go Gadget, Metal Cutter!”
it’s always such a simple fix, isn’t it? lol
A funny Batman knock-off AND an oblique reference to one of my favorite Peanuts cartoons (“I notice he wasn’t too sensitive to eat the carrot.”)
didn’t quite intend the Peanuts reference, but hey.. I’ll take what I can get. Thanks for the comment, friend!
Haven’t commented here in a while, but where can I get me one of these collar things?
I believe that company ACME makes ’em. Comes in a big wooden box. Welcome back!
Hey there is laughing gas involved. How come neither of them is having fun?
my guess is they are immune. But I’m only a dinky comic strip writer.
I’m with Bearman. Let the laughing gas go and the problem is solved. Then you don’t care about the iron door. Everyone knows that problems usually aren’t solved until you don’t care about them any more. By the way, where is Fred? Couldn’t he borrow the Addanac’s Hummer?
Ha ha, would be awesome to merge 2 storylines form different comics like that. I wonder if that could be pulled off, say… around April Fools…?
I’m down with it if you are.
What I wouldn’t give to have a collar like that. I may even like wearing it if it’s fashionable enough. Good luck with the marketing.
We’ll have to switch up… Z&F riding off into the sunset with the hummer, and Hank can wreak havok with the alien collar.
All I could hear in my head while reading this was the Inspector Gadget theme.