I remember laughing out loud when I first heard of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I thought it was hilariously ridiculous. Y’know, crazier than my own Thundercats… no, no, Thundercats made sense and was far more logical, after all. Pshh. TMNT was more of my younger sister’s thing, but her dedication to the cartoon and toys mimicked my own for T-cats, so I had to show some respect.
I am also a professional multi-tasker, I can take on more things at once than I probably should. Probably explains all the headaches and the smell of smoke.
This weekend, peeps! This weekend I will be in Chicago for C2E2 Comic Con! Joining me at THE MOST FUN TABLE EVAR is Mr. Byron Wilkins of 1977, so it should be a raucous good time. For any of you lucky comic fans who are attending, please stop by our booth. I’ll have lots of good stuff on hand, including the NEW Z&F COLLECTION!
Looks great, I hope you have a good show!
Thanks Tony! It’s gonna be a blast. I mean, I’ll have Byron there… please.
You, Byron and Kurt should all get the WCPC logo tattooed on you…yanno…since yer so close to their pavilion and all…just sayin’
Have fun!
Like I need a planet tattooed on my behind.. it looks big enough, LOL Thanks man.
Turtle Power. Safe travels to the con.
Much thanks. Never understood what powers come with being a turtle, but hey…
I love your table spread! Good luck at the con! My younger brother was big-time into Ninja Turtles too. I originally thought it was ridiculous and stupid (but at least different). I didn’t actually like the show until I stumbled across its first few pilots that revelled in its own lunacy. Too bad it kinda went downhill once it got popular.
I know what you mean, “reveling in it’s own lunacy”, it was like the first parody of 80’s cartoon series. Some kids didn’t pick up on the joke, but still enjoyed it. I’ll give it credit for that. Anyways, seemed to be the perfect selection for the Weird Kid to dress up as.
Michelangelo, Snarf, and Yoda walk into a Comic Con….Sounds like the beginning of a bad Comic-Con joke. I love the strip today, great stuff as usual. The last panel is awesome, talk about insane multi-tasking.
Good luck at C2E2, can’t wait to see pics and hear about it next week.
Couldn’t think of the best Mantra to wish you good luck so I’ll use all three:
Thundercats Hoooooo!!!
Turtle Power!!!
May the Force be with you.
LOL, totally a bad bar joke! Maybe that should be my next post. Keep your eyes out for a special PHOTO post I’ll be updating throughout the 3-day event! Yay for iphones.
Cowabunga, dude!
So I’m guessing you weren’t much of a fan of TMNT’s little known and often forgotten ugly cousin “Radioactive Blackbelt Hamsters” than???
oof, that would be a terrible series. then again, that guinea pig action kids movie was kid of a big hit…wasn’t it? whatever it was called.
Thank you, keep an eye on this site for photo posts!
Looks like Dan beat me to it … I was going to say part of that appeal might just be raw turtle power!
I mean, seriously, who could resist turtle power? ;0)
TMNT is better than Thunder Cats. Period!
Ah, yes…I recall those olden days when the first TMNT comic came out (I was in 8th grade). I read an article by the creators saying that they were afraid they were gonna have to use the surplus issues of their comic as firewood for the winter because no one was buying them.
It just goes to show you how things can change when the right opportunity comes along. Keep crafting!
Dawn, the photos look great! Ninja turtles rule!