This is me almost every morning. I don’t hate my job, but the commute is a pain, and I am NOT a morning person. And now I just worsened the “morning conflict”, by deciding I’m going to start JOGGING with the dog first thing… now I will never want to get up, ever again. BLEAH.
An update about the Ustream show (usually Tuesdays at 8pm)- it’s on hiatus for now folks. Just don’t have the time, nor the audience size (yet!) that makes it really productive and beneficial. To the kind people who took the time to come hang out with me while I whip up the next comic– THANKS! It was nice to get to know some of you and I hope you enjoyed it, maybe learned something!
Comic Con!
I will be attending the Philadelphia Wizard World Comic Con, this weekend! I did not get a table, I probably should have… still deciding how much I’d get out of being an unknown in artists’ alley, but I guess that’s the whole idea. I will be wandering around, I know a couple people who will be there, including TL Collins from Bulfinch and Superfogeys Origins, with 3rd World Studios! I just got my package of bookmarks and postcards to hand out, very excitable! So, if you’re going, and you see someone that looks like my avatar wandering around, say hi!
I’d like to say that I can relate with the whole getting up early thing, but I’ve worked afternoon jobs my whole life, so I’ve never actually owned an alarm clock … sucks to be you! lol.
P.S. – I can however related to the whole “not sure if you should buy a table at the Con” thing. There’s a big Comic Fan Fair in Toronto coming up in August and I’m just too much of a coward to get a table. I keep thinking “what if they put me right next to a real artist”?
I’ll tell ya what, as much of a P.I.T.A my last job was (large format printer operator), I LOVED the 2nd shift: 2-11pm. Sweet. My current job allows flexible hours, so I appreciate that.. I work 10-6 and miss traffic, but still have problems getting my @$$ outta bed! (job is also an hour away, and the dog need her walkin’!)
My job, the one I used to have,I spent the last 18 years on night shift. I’m not a morning person for sure. Stop by the HB Comics table at Wizard World and say hello to the Hebert brothers, Alan and Chris, tell them you’re a friend of mine. I’ve been working with these guys for a few months and they’re good people.
Thanks! I got your FB message too… I’ll have to mark them down on my list of peeps to see!
Today’s strip is so eerily (like “Eerie, Indiana” eerie) on point as far as me this morning (but my hair is not cute like that), it actually made me feel better. I just got home. I’m a morning person (and work early hours in the day so that I can get off “early” in the day – hence why I’m home now), but this morning I felt/feel like crap, and I had that exact same conversation/thought process in bed. Thanks for making me laugh as well as making me wonder if that was you outside my window with a notebook this morning…
dammit, I thought I was pretty quiet there, outside your window. By the way, nice undies. ;0)
“By the way, nice undies. ;0)”
Thanks – I was hoping you’d see thos— er, I mean, HOW DARE YOU!
Hey this was funny. I feel like that everyday,LOL. Hey she lets the dogs sleep in the bed with her? Huh.
Thanks for the comments on WarriorBorn,
Cyberdog out.
That’s actually one difference between us and our characters… our dog has her own little bed in our room and she sleeps there on the floor. No big bed for her!
Yep. That’s my usual morning routine. Damn work.
I’ll be at WW Philly on Saturday handing out HU swag. So maybe I’ll see ya’ thee.
sweetness! More people to add to my list! Gonna meet so many people at this con ;0D
i’m completely nocturnal. i understand. if not for sunglasses and sunscreen i’d be living in a cave
wow, heh.. I’m not that bad. I enjoy some weekend sunshine, sit OUTSIDE while I make my comics. Still a geek, just OUTSIDE.
The dog goes jogging? That’s one hardcore pooch!
LOL, well… it’s more like… me dragging her along while I try to jog and not look like an idiot. She’s a sniffer, I think she gets frustrated, seeing all those sniff-able objects passing by, not being… sniffed.
I hate it when my conscience gets the best of me. I usually try to ignore it, but alas, it tends to win all of our battles.
Great strip, Dawn!
Oh God I don’t miss battling with myself to get up.
Nice page here.