This is me almost every morning. I don’t hate my job, but the commute is a pain, and I am NOT a morning person. And now I just worsened the “morning conflict”, by deciding I’m going to start JOGGING with the dog first thing… now I will never want to get up, ever again. BLEAH.



An update about the Ustream show (usually Tuesdays at 8pm)- it’s on hiatus for now folks. Just don’t have the time, nor the audience size (yet!) that makes it really productive and beneficial. To the kind people who took the time to come hang out with me while I whip up the next comic– THANKS! It was nice to get to know some of you and I hope you enjoyed it, maybe learned something!


Comic Con!

I will be attending the Philadelphia Wizard World Comic Con, this weekend! I did not get a table, I probably should have… still deciding how much I’d get out of being an unknown in artists’ alley, but I guess that’s the whole idea. I will be wandering around, I know a couple people who will be there, including TL Collins from Bulfinch and Superfogeys Origins, with 3rd World Studios! I just got my package of bookmarks and postcards to hand out, very excitable! So, if you’re going, and you see someone that looks like my avatar wandering around, say hi!