I came up with Zorphie’s final line in the final 2 minutes of creating this strip. He was just gonna say “dang.” Funnier this way.
Upcoming Hiatus
Okay okay, so I have never really taken a hiatus since I started back in 2007. Just a couple week-long vacations. But, I’m kinda sorta getting MARRIED on Nov. 7th and I need to kinda sorta PLAN that whole shindig. (No worries, it’s on track to all get done, I’m not just starting to plan it now, heh) Maybe you read about my wedding already on my Wedding Guest Art Registry (if not, check it out, pretty neat idea I had for it). Starting October 20th I will be in full stress-out mode and taking a break from Z&F… HOWEVER… due to said Wedding Guest Art Registry, the site will not lie dormant. In fact, it’ll be pretty busy judging from the amount of people who signed up for the guest art registry! It’ll be all-wedding-themed comics, all the time! Be sure to stop by to see what fellow readers have whipped up!
October 20th is also the deadline for the guest art, FYI.
Now, what is up in the air is Z&F’s return. Originally I wanted to take off only 1 month… but I may have other cool stuff up my sleeves that could take time to fine-tune before a site RELAUNCH! It all depends on how things fall into place, but we shall see. All in all, good things in store here at zfcomics.com!
Keep an Eye on Twitter….
… some exciting news on the horizon.
yeah the step in kind of waste
yup eww. ;0)
I love his sane demands
Not sure if its intentional or just my silly imagination.. but when z tells them to go make haste… the siliuet.. the stretch up arm.. made me think of hitler… im bad i know.. but all i could think of is how z head fur looks like a tiny mustache …. made me laugh.. i know.. im terrible
actually, that’s pretty funny! Not too far off, considering where Zorphie’s mind is right now… world domination? I mean, c’mon. Silly alien.
You can’t throw it. Those minions can’t be trusted to return it.
that’s the risk you take, heh
The last line is golden Dawn, good choice.
Those are some obedient dogs, if that were mine he’d already had knocked Zorphbert down trying to get the ball from him. He’ll sit and wait but only for so long.
I really like Zorphberts looks in panel 2.
Thank you! I enjoyed the multiple drawings of Z in panel 2… I can just see him rambling so much he loses his train of thought… thus, the sandwich request.
All dogs worship in the House of Ball.
My sister’s dog was a bit finnicky about what he’d “fetch.” He’d chase after a thrown meatball. He’d chase after a thrown popcorn ball. A tennis ball, he’d give you a look of “what’s in it for me?”
Ha, yeah my dog’s not much of a fetch dog. More like a keep-away-bolt-around-the-yard-like-a-lunatic dog. Not that have tried meatballs or popcorn balls.
The only word they understood was fetch.
you’re probably right about that!
I do believe I shall spend the rest of the day calling my co-workers “mangy minions”. Thanks for the heads up!
just don’t tell them where you heard it first *grins*