Everyone have a BBQ-sunshine-filled Memorial Day weekend? I hope so. I vow to not even LOOK at a hot dog or hamburger for at least a month.
Maybe it’s because I’m down to only 2 updates a week, but this swine flu storyline seems like it’s been going on forever… sick of it already. Hope you guys aren’t. Wish I could just end it abruptly, but alas…. I need to play by the rules and end it properly, like I had planned.
No ustream show tonight… sorry. Hope to reinstate next week.
This Thursday night (9pm EST) I’ll be interviewed on TGT webcomics podcast with my pals Frumph & VertigoX (from webcomicplanet, where Z&F are apart of a collective, if you have not noticed). Should be a great discussion.. feel free to stop by Talkshoe, chat in the chat room with other listeners & readers! Hope to see you there, bring your inquisitive minds ;0)
Oh, that’s sooo messed up! He probably went to a barbecue somewhere.
Do Z&F call him the supervisor because he’s their boss, or because he rocks a super-visor? Just sumthin’ I noticed. Never mind me.
Hey George: their supervisor is the alien in the squirrel costume, FYI. Not the weird kid. The weird kid is just the weird kid on the block. ;0)
Don’t sweat the long storylines! Readers like em, but they can wear on you as an artist. You could do like I do and have the Squirrel fix everything off panel. bask in the laziness
trust me, I contemplate the easy-fix all the time. alien technology could so easily do that.
i hear you about the long storylines. of course mine would be longer if i didnt blow $%^# up all the time
LOL! but explosions are fun!
Long story lines – a new territory in our neighborhood. I’m actually enjoying doing it, because I enjoy the subject. I like hearing about Swine Flu drama as well! Keep up the great work.
Did the Weird Kid give them swine flu? I must have missed that bit. Unless of course you’re telling porkies. F’nar f’nar!
Sometimes you wish the one offs were longer, like maybe a 5 page arc. Sometimes not.
What’s up with weird Kid? He just doesn’t get it does He? I bet Fred wants his old costume back!
Great Comic.