So, the thing is, I am getting sick of TV these days. Curled up on the couch with my tablet laptop, I flip on the tube for something that’s bearable, yet not interesting enough for me to break concentration. Old favorite sitcom reruns work. But I am running out of stuff to watch. So, I have decided to blow the dust off my LOTR extended version DVDs and started with the Fellowship of the Ring, which I finished while lettering this comic. I plan to watch the entire trilogy this week while working. It makes me happy ;0)
.. and of course I figured I should work it into the comic… the weird kid seemed to be the perfect outlet. Let’s see how long I drag this out.
Please do not forget about the CONTEST, right here on zfcomics! The count down has begun- about 2.5 weeks left, it’s due by the 18th! Get those alien-drawing gears a-turnin’! It can be as simple as a character sketch or as elaborate as a full color comic!
(footnote: “contest†means you WIN something! OOOoooooo…)
Maybe it is the residual sugar content in the breakfast cereals that the GenX folks ate on Saturday morning watching cartoons that is producing all these vibrating kidlings…;)
sounds like a logical theory to me! LOL
I don’t know Dawn … the ring is suppose to be the ultimate source of evil and Cherrios are pretty good for you. They’re high in fibre, low in sugar and help to lower your cholesterol. And considering the kids personality, I really think that a Fruit Loop would have been a better choice! lol. Funny strip!
Yknow, the weird kid probably prefers the no-name brands… so it’s probably a cereal along the lines of “Honey Nut Hoops”, or “Loops o’ Fruit”.
So there.
actually i think its that kids today lack fiber, and bongs
LOL! Oh no you di-ent!
yeah, i went there, got photos. smoked some weed with the sour grapes bunch. look that one up for refrence XD
I suppose amphetamines are out too?
I know, it’s a damn shame, eh?
LOL, that kid is Red Bull Drunk (thats when you drink so many energy drinks you lose your mind). I’ve been there. Holding a can of Red bull, curled up in a corner,and whispering “my precious.”
CyberDog out.
ha ha! Actually, Red Bull (the sugarfree one) is what I turn to when I really need to stay up and get work done. Coffee’s great and all but I don’t get the shakes with Red Bull, and seem to think more clearly. Love it! It is my precious!
That sounds like a great way to watch “Lord of the Rings” after the first initial time – you have something else you’re doing, but you can still enjoy it. I loved them in the theaters and subsequently bought them, but I kind of balk at sitting down for the entire set or even one of them (it will likely be satisfying, but the thought of the time weighs it down like it’s a task – but I said that about watching “1776” (Feeny!) this weekend after I saw it was 3 hours long, and ended up loving it and thanking the friend who recommended it).
Embarassing Winnie moment (and there are several): It was awhile before (even having seen the names in the credits) I realized that Legolas and Will Turner were played by the same guy. Orlando Bloom looked so different with the long blonde hair, light eyes, and the “elvish” features (not attractive in my eyes).
I have wanted to host a LOTR marathon from like 10am until after midnight… and I think that qualifies me as “uber-geek”. Unfortunately, my friends aren’t as geeky as me.
And Orlando Bloom is a pansy if you ask me. Not my type. He was waaaaay too cool in LOTR… please, no one skateboards down a fortress on a rock or flips up on a horse like that. Not even Mr. Dreamy Elf. Please.
You know, on a different note, it wasn’t until the age of 25 that I found out a lot of gay men don’t find Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp hot – they find them too “pretty”, too “delicate”. And that’s saying a lot coming from some of my friends who said that…
Don’t worry – I don’t have pictures of him in my room from “Tiger Beat” (do they still make that one? I never owned a copy of that, but I think it would be hilarious if I did), but I do think he’s hot. Noted on the cool elf part. I can’t drink Red Bull (or Mountain Dew – with the exception of that awesome Baja Blast that you can only get at Taco Bell), but you and Cyberdog’s “my precious” conversation is hilarious (but the comments are always fun to read).
Not to get all geek on you, but Frodo’s sword was “Sting.”
Of course, the kid probably wants his own sword name…I know I would. (And did. Ahem.)
you are correct, it was “sting”. I could BS you here, and say “well, the weird kid gave it his own paraphrased name like you said”… but to be honest, I rushed through the lettering and wasn’t thinking. Even despite having the &^%% movie playing in the background! I did check the spelling of Mordor in wikipedia, LOL.
Oh well, it can always be changed, to please the geek masses. ;0)
Just don’t get me started…hell, I know the names of Gandalf’s sword, Aragorn’s (both names), and Thorin’s, King of the Mountain from “the Hobbit.” I can’t tell you who my senator is, but I know crap like that. What a waste of neurons…
*bows to king of the geeks* May your endless trivial knowledge lead others down the Enlightened Path.
I can’t tell who my senator is either, fyi.
“The Hobbit” was always my favorite, I had no qualms about having it on my summer reading list 3x. (different schools)
Cheerio necklaces always tend to be a bit more powerful than a ring.
they do lower your cholesterol and all…
I think he’s been in Granma.s medicine cabinet.
Hunh. And I always drink my Spaz BEFORE the Ritalin. I need to rectify that.
Bet you’ve been holding onto that comment for a couple years.
PS-my class is over for the next 3 weeks so you’ll see me around just a bit more.